Friday, July 28, 2017

A sign from God? Rahab the Harlot and the Scarlet Thread.

UPDATE NOTE:  MARCH 4th of 2018
I realized the box is of a "Clear Color" and that the Quran many times says that the prophets or apostles came with "Clear Signs".  For instance Chapter 40 THE BELIEVER verse 28.  
A Believer, a man 
from among the people 
Of Pharaoh, who had concealed
His faith, said:  "....indeed come to you with Clear (Signs) From your Lord?..

verse 34
"And to you there came
Joseph in times gone by, 
With Clear Signs but.. "


I was at Hershey Park walking around wearing a shirt that had John 15:14 on the back.  I believed that I was doing some sort of good spreading this verse of the Gospel.  As I was leaving, I felt a strong feeling that I should go "reward myself" with anything I wanted from the Hershey Chocolate Factory store instead of just leaving.  So i went inside and stopped at the chocolate covered pretzels and felt a strong feeling to buy that, along with a few other candy bars.  
When  I got home, I was continuing reading the book of Joshua as I was eating my pretzels to find in chapter 2 verse 18 it states "..thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window..."  This was to be the sign for the Children of Israel when fighting Jericho to PASS OVER Rahab the Harlot and all her household.  I believed this to be a sign from God when I really needed one as I was questioning all the signs that seemed to be against me.  The for sale sign on my Dad's 1 year anniversary death, someone leaving a "zipper" in my bathroom, the dead skunk on a nearby road after using a parable of likening God to a skunk (long story), all of the Road Work on roads near my house constantly.  There were so many "signs" against me, but they seemed too set up and fake, whereas this sign of the scarlet line seemed more impossible and miraculous.  
This is more significant to me because I was at the Chocolate Factory the 2 days prior to this and didn't buy the pretzels, nor would I have understood the significance because I wasn't on the book of Joshua in my bible reading at that time.  The other aspect is the way I opened the box where the scarlet line is being held the way it's seen, and being placed atop there just like it was used to let down the men from Israel "Then she let them down by a cord through the window:  for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall."

What makes this all the more significant is that the sign was for Rahab the HARLOT.  Think of this please, why would God use a HARLOT?  She would be involved in sexual things all the days of her work.  At the time, I was working on a book I hope to one day publish called "Sexual Resistance", and I was at the point where I felt it was necessary and time to go to Strip Clubs, Sex Shops, and also to take pictures of myself from the back to showcase the ALLUSION that I and so many other people have gotten caught into.  I shaved my legs and purchased underwear targeted towards women, in order to see for myself first hand the difference, which was none.  This was really hard to do, but I believed I was being guided and that it was necessary to achieve sexual resistance since I kept finding myself "weak" to seeing a girl from the back, yet there is nothing different between a female and a male naturally except the adjustments females make.  

All that said in order to express how "unclean" the outside of my cup would have looked in that week prior to all those bad signs happening.  All those things seeming necessary in order to express how others might judge Rahab the Harlot, or even more so, the Harlot in the book of Revelations that even has some messed up stuff written on her FOREHEAD.  Where my picture on facebook says "Do fuc*ed up shit to me" written on the forehead of a 100 $ bill to represent a court case I was involved within trying to prove a point how wrong it is to say that to someone, all the while not knowing what was in that book of Revelations.

Thus, this 1 sign that would state everything is going to be okay for you, trumps all the signs that I mentioned above that state really bad things for me.  I believe this 1 sign was from God, but I can't prove it to say for certain it was.  

Revelations 17:5 "And upon her forehead was a name written, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,  THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."     How easy would it be to misjudge someone with all this written on their head?


Plagues of God that I've noticed near my town? 

1. Noisome beasts/Perpetual Hissing: insects that make irritable high pitch sounds that are reminiscent of a rattle snakes tale, like a warning before an attack?  Ezekiel 14:15 "If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land..."   Jeremiah 18:16  "To make their land desolate, and a perpetual hissing.."

 2. Stink bugs: God's way of telling us we stink (morally) as a peoples? Also may be a way of testing our judgements to see how we deal with them.  I think the empathetic thing is to let them outside rather than kill. 

3. Honey Bee shortages:  A quote online that states Einstein said,  "If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live."  Colony Collapse Disorder has been wiping out bees world-wide with exception of Australia.   Proverbs 24:13 states "My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:." 

 4, Berns-ville, which sounds like Burns ville, being a lucky sign as Jesus says he came to set fire to the earth.  Luke 12:49  "I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
 5. Sign for Cornwall Iron Furnace:  In the bible it compares taking Israel out of Egypt with taking them out of the IRON FURNACE,  Deuteronomy 4:20  " But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt,"

 6. The death spray clouds that the Holy Quran says in chapter 44 verses 10 and 11, which will be a penalty grievous and I think it meant in the last days. 

. Please LORD God I pray that I am accounted worthy (Luke 21:36  " Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.") enough to earn your mercy and grace to escape the eternal damnation spoken of in the books and for any of my facebook friends or family that may be reading this message and feel the same way in their heart; I also pray that the angels, the reapers, the harvesters are many as it says in Matthew 9:38.  I ask this in the name of Jesus so the father can be glorified through the son as it is written in the Gospel According to St. John 14:13

Additional Signs regarding me and who I might be, or who God, the creator of heaven and earth, may be trying to craft me to be.  I live in a barn, and right behind the barn, there are a bundle of sticks that were gathered .  This sound like Matthew 13:30 
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

2 Timothy 2:13  If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.