Tinkerbell, Fawn, The Neverbeast and possible Holy Ghost Inspiraiton 08.30.2020
Sunday August 30th of 2020
Quick Recap from possible Holy Ghost Inspire last night;
Fawn lied with a heart intended to do something good; Thus; Considered "Wise" because her desire is "Something Good".
Someone not wise; would use Lie with a heart set on something like vengeance to punish the Pixie Hollow by causing danger and getting others hurt.
So Fawn is worth reproving:
Fawn had Faith and used the works of (Lie) to get Something Good. She had faith in lies, and knows that the more creative she gets, the more faith she has in lies, the better her chance of getting something good.
Fawn doesn't have the same Faith in telling the truth; because maybe the Truth seems in her mind as really boring, or ineffective at getting something good. The message might have been like to have more faith in truth and be creative and the outcome will be something really good. To remember "Speak Comfortably to Jerusalem", so this means tell Jerusalem the truth, but tell her comfortably.
The obvious example of people telling the truth with a lot of faith and creativity in order to get a good result, is the way that people propose to tell the truth about the way they feel about someone. Even Taylor Swift sings those other girls are beautiful and throwing rocks at your window but would they write a song for you?
SO as we continue having faith in the truth and asking the spirit of truth, the holy ghost, the comforter for help, the more skilled we will get at telling the truth well with good results. Whereas we have "taught our tongues to speak lies" and we practice lies and we get really good and creative and put a lot of faith in lies to "Get something Good".
SO Fawn is "wise" and if Reproved well, and comfortably, she will love you! Because what she wants is not to lie, but to get that baby hawk safely somewhere so she can do her job well.
Tinkerbell teaches Lizzy that hawks are the enemies of Fairies, that all hawks are bad. Fawn had faith that the baby hawk was okay, Tinkerbell had faith in Fawn, so she had faith in the baby hawk.
Fawn may not have faith in the truth to achieve her goal, but if someone she trusts has faith in the truth she might like Tinkerbell take a chance of faith on that person. The bible teaches that the children of Israel were carried on the back of an eagle to safety out of danger. So maybe there are good Hawks of Truth. Maybe that person that has faith in the truth is friends with that Good Hawk of truth who will see Fawn's desire to help a baby hawk, and then Fawn will get the help of a great Eagle and make super peace and have super protection between Hawks and Fairies.
So then she will realize the Truth is better to achieve the goal and will continue towards truth to achieve something good...and will apply her faith in Truth rather than lie.
With good works someone is envied...thus to be cautiousness to recognize this truth that may move others to want your failure of doing good because it will make their temptation to envy greater. And Envy is what lead them to get Jesus betrayed and crucified and what lead them to throw Joseph in the well and sold in slavery, and Cinderellas step mother to do bad things in happily never after...but the holy ghost will help, remembering the holy ghost is the spirit of God, also known as the spirit of truth, love, comforter, God, holy spirit..
"Neverbeast" sounds like the beast that was, and is not, and yet is!
REVELATION 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was,
and is not,
and yet is.