PLEASE HELP ME MORE GOD THAT MADE EARTH SEA HEAVEN AND ALL THEREIM IN TRUE JESUS NAME that lights every man that cometh into this world to be worthy to ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE AS written in the gospel according to luke 21:36 and protected from the evil until then as written in john 17:15
Bible says when my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up! PLEASE LIKE ELIJAH TAKE ME AWAY!!!! BEGGING as just now i had to try so hard to avoid Images of MEN being shoved on me when an partiallly natural arousal went so unnatually pushed up.. PLEASE GOD that made earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank for you the pretty girl picture ready on hand.. they ONCE AGAIN BROKE IN MY ROOM AND TOOK CUT OUT PICTURES OF PRETTY GIRLS!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME MORE!! IN JESUS NAME
praying for the seed of abraham, and archangel michael and angel gabriel and wisdom prudence patience knowledge the sweet influences of the Pleiades, instruction.
In jesus name; You know them by their fruits; so Arch Angel Michael that said Woe to the earth and sea the devil is come down; Angel Gabriel that said Fear Not in the book of Daniel for he has come for his words; Angel Gabriel that told Mary mother of Jesus Fear Not;
Wisdom that was possessed by the LORD and created the Earth with the LORD according to Proverbs
Wisdom that Jesus mentions is justified of all her children in the gospels
Prudence the girl that dwells with Wisdom from the bible
Instruction, the one the bible tells us to lay fast hold of;
Knowledge, another girl mentioned from the bible
Understanding, another girl, and this one with the LORD created the heavens;
more holy ghost; begging in true jesus name that lights every man.. amen..
june 18th 2024
UPDATE 7:03 pm
Tried to take a nap; nonstop propped up Penis using urine shit and gas; various images of guys playing video games and other things shoved in my images as slemade earth and all therein in true jesus name.
eping.. Please help me more godthat
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Prayer Asking the creator of heaven earth sea and all therein for more HELP in Jesus name
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Pockets: a book about a Vulture
Book idea
Title: The Vultures Prison for Vultures
The wardon was a well fed vulture, obvious to all the eyes.
This was a confinement not a correction facility, and it was for vultures only.
Vultures that didn’t wait right
Vultures that got used to the cafeteria line of the jungle; lions eat first, the dogs get the crumbs, and the vultures with their hands in their pockets eat last
Chapter #2 pockets
Pockets was the name of the wardon. He was famous as far as vultures go, a living legend, he could back up faster than an nfl cornerback and as the dogs and cats chased him, his family got some prime bites of carcass.
Chapter #3 fixing the jungle
Vultures tried to imitate pockets, but never succeeded. Instead providing a McNugget to cats and dogs that thought it was what it became, a fixed event.
Pockets still lives; but he dines on vultures that don’t wait right. Vultures with no patience. Birds of prey that didn’t pray right
Chapter #4 the new generation
The new generation called pockets a cannibal: a traitor to the birds of prey. But as an old book taught, the servant knows not what his master diets, and so their masters never told them how much was lost trying to destroy pockets, the legendary vulture of the future.
Chapter #5 pockets best friend
Pockets best friend was a bald headed eagle. Not like the ones we see today, but a Goliath among goliaths. An eagle big enough to feed a city of vultures who have been devouring other fowls.
Pockets didn’t know he was the image of the quarter coin, didn’t know he was a symbolic bird. Pockets was still living and had no time for sit down interviews.
Chapter #6 discovery channel
The discovery channel taught viewers what the cafeteria line was all about. Vultures sitting back, near striking distance of lions and hyenas, but without fear. Like a nursing home of old people who still demanded their independence
“This ain’t no prison” said pockets next target. “I don’t need nobody bringing me my food straight to my room like a correction facility. I get that my self!”
Pockets persuades a hyena to remind the fowl of the old book of proverbs and Ecclesiastes, saying before his meal comes pride and haughtiness.
Chapter #7. Pockets the well fed vulture eats again.
When pockets eats, it’s his fellow patiently waiting vulture friends that grab the meal, and like a leopard, felt no ease eating his meal on the ground. He took it up in the air, to a higher place where even lions don’t bother.
Chapter #8. Pockets history
Pockets got his name cause he looked like a rooster that didn’t know how to use his wings to fly: he would patiently wait for the right time to make his voice heard and when he did, lions and hyenas, the cats and the dogs, couldn’t resist thinking he was breaking the union among the hungry of the land: and so they charged; but failed to realize his speed and ease at escape. And as the cats and dogs chased him; his unknown tribe took large pieces of fresh meat and bones to their feeding places of comfort, but left enough to express mercy in a tongue without tongues needed.
Chapter #9 pockets calls other vultures psychologists
Evil they were to pockets, they would circle even the slightest of wounded creatures trying to make them believe their time was up; and they would say some man named Jesus said you know where food is where you see the birds of prey circling; but pockets had many admit they were just doing their part of the cafeteria in the jungle
The lions make the kill; the hyenas scorn the victims; and the vultures provided the mental aspect of their faith to make it easy for the kings of the jungle to make their kill, saying it was based on some legendary vulture..not knowing pockets was that vulture and he still lives.
Chapter #10 pockets knew Abraham
Abraham was known for having a dark dream in some old book, but before that dream, he scared away some vultures; pockets was among those Abraham scared away. Pockets knew Abraham as something later called by people in England “scarecrow”
Chapter #11 scarecrow
Pockets didn’t know it was Abraham at the time; but later the old book talked about Ravens feeding a man named Elijah; thinking this was in hopes that man would one day learn of his mistakes; if a bird could feed meat to a man why could not The creator of man and bird use a man to feed a bird some meat?
Chapter #12. The old book
The old book became the new book in Pockets memory; and some guy the English called “Jesus” was as a man possessed by their creator telling other humans to “consider the Ravens”.
Chapter #13. A human listens
And gets killed but later he inspires other humans to make a movie called “birds of prey” and this inspired other humans to write this chapter down. To remember what that other man said, to remember even the old book before it was new, to remember Abraham and his meeting with vultures. In hopes the future could be more peaceful.
Chapter #14. Pockets spoke
“Breakfast lunch and dinner is not in any of the 10 commandments!”
But there was a time in pockets memory when vultures didn’t feed off flesh, and they looked like pockets but due to some other form of food. None could interview pockets for he was still at war with the other vultures; making discernment’s on them all for none knew the things of a vulture but a vulture. And he loved preying on vultures that prayed for road kill.
Continue book or not?
Chapter #15. The blind bald headed eagle came Alive at night
Pockets knew this eagle to be like the father of roosters and hens. Being blind, he regarded not the sun or the moon, nor took he to flight, but his mouth and feet solved many a problems for grounded fowl.
Chapter #16 pockets refused to eat the eagle
The eagle just wanted friends. It wanted to listen to help. It wanted to form the ideals that others desired of Eagles. Eagles to form bonds like ducks. But pockets reminded the eagle that we fight spirits and if these killer spirits invaded the ducks body; all the ducks can do with their feet and mouth is tickle and annoy each other; whereas eagles with their feet and mouth would surely kill
Chapter #17 possessed humans
Humans caught up in the spiritual war; pockets would remind humans listening that before they came along it was them there and the same thing happened with the apes; who tried their body to make physical changes; taking eagle feet and eagle mouths and exchanging them with ducks who flew in a rank. Eventually becoming lone wolves devouring their entire flock; for the ducks were consumed with their own problems of thinking they were above all spiritual problems. But a duck given eagle feet who then became possessed; would easily kill its comrades but failed to dispose of the evidence. So the apes gave them eagle mouths as well.
Chapter #18. Pockets was always hungry
This was a lie. In the brief moment pockets almost had an interview he explained he is almost never hungry; eating is his form of expert warfare. The book goes on but the thing we are writing the book on is down to 3% energy. Even the sun knows his going down the old book teaches.
(Book might continue. Human says book companies look for things like this and then provide finances to the struggling writers to have a peaceful space and time to finish writing. Is this true?)
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Testimony of a Fatherless with a widow in America. May 29th Wednesday 2024
May 29th Wednesday 2024
5:47 AM after the crash, and i lost some stufff ANGRY ANGRY but sin not
Book Idea:
Testimony of a Fatherless with a widow in America.
Chapter #1
Orphans are discluded because there is no Widow, for we are concerned with the Devouring of Widows houses and what happens to the Fatherless in this progression.
Why is France called the Fatherland, asked the Fatherless with a widow in America
SHUT THE FUCK UP; !!!!!!!! was possibly said to him by some weird thought..
He thought that was strange and unlike his life when his Father was alive and his mother was not called a widow.
Why is Russia called the Motherland?
dont want to now...
SO, it seems, its possible in order to devour widows houses, there is great attempts to kill a man in order to create a widow; and these signs may become more evident with good testimony.
The Fatherless with a widow mom dreamed of maybe writing a book to earn money and friends, but as he wrote, there was something that may have found that idea as a BIG PROBLEM in devouring widows houses because there are MORE IMPORTANT widows to create to devour their houses and he needs to DIE NOW ANDA SHUT THE FUCK UP
In Dragon Ball Z, Goku tells his son to care for his mother as he is going to have to die in order to defeat the threat that wants to destroy Planet Earth.
Thus; there is testimony of Life with a Father and then without a Father and a widow.
If you are Fatherless with a house, its not devouring of widows houses, or is it? Depends on how long the widow was alive with the Fatherless.
Listen; this one group of people have a testimony of a police officer; and its like WOW.
but we have many testimony of Police Officers; this is necessary to say in order to be accurate and precise about what we mean to write.
For we may forget orphans, but they are not out of mind;
In Sailor Moon Tv show, we learn The Moon Light Knight, her boyfriend, lost both mom and dad in one car crash; thus; he also would have a different testimony
LAWYERS setting a table;
Chapter #2 Olympic Sized Event
I HAVE A BIG EVENT; i have no time for this! Concludes something; so to get to the event; YOU MUST DIE;
but, Archangel Michael and Angel Gabriel are thought about; and wonders why were these individuals ever placed here?
However, that file is not seeked now because the ones that put them here are still protecting the land of the olympic sized event in the Fatherland France.
Chapter #2 Bonjour!
Bonjour means Hi in french dad. but dad is dead; and so SHUT THE FUCK UP GOOGLE IT UP!! PROVE IT
Chapter #3 Jerusalem, the mother of us all'
A boy cannot be a widow;
a girl can be widow; can be a mother; can be the target of a devouring of widows houses; and a Fatherless with a widow is just in the way of their goal.
Chapter #4 A Fatherless with a widow differences Daughter and Son
Chapter #4
Faith in Psalm 68:5 increases after a recent experience for the Fatherless with a widow in America on Memorial Day 2024
wait a minute; the Judge that wants to do good; understands letting the witness have a shower, eat some food, get some rest;
Witness says thats more like Barbra Walters on 60 minutes; meaning, there isnt anything to hide, just wants to have a sophisticated conversation because its important; and so; has to protect all the testimony from others; like, it feels, after every down in a football game, they have to stop and get an interview; and then even more, want to stop you during the down; "WHY DID YOU PUMP FAKE THE FOOTBALL THAT IS NOT GOD-LIKE, STOP THE GAME"
stop the game meaning KILL YOU
for you are in the way of their possible goal, devour widows houses.
But you know that you are more things than just a Fatherless with a widow in America, you are also a boy looking for a pretty girl with money that doesnt want to attack America.
NOT FOR LONG! says some eternal living...
Spirits that seem to have no problem sitting on a Fatherless boys life until he is no longer sexually capable;
Fatherless with a widow is not allowed to even write creative novels like Lord of the rings inspired or the hobbit;
Thinking..that might make devouring the widows house more difficult for those that devour the widows houses..why would they help you until their goals change?\
SO, many have died or gotten lost before anyone else can hear their sophisticated testimony; but on Memorial Day 2024; it felt like, the LORD, a man of war, somehow helped to make some sense in the meaning of not resting for Jerusalems sake, for zion.
Chapter #5 A Fathers goal and wish for his future Fatherless kids with a widow
What do you know about being a Father? SO your testimony is nothing; until you become a Father; and then; how are you to even consider what happens if your children live; and then you die; ITS ALL NEW'
and if you die; then its Dead
so; dont have to talk to dead children;
Still learning about being a Father; but also still learning about being a boy;
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SEX WITH GIRL AT 70 years old!!!! ahhh
so many thnings
Sub-pee-nuh for testimony of being a soldier for america
Sub-pee-nuh for testimony of being a psychologist in America
Sub-pee-nuh for testimony of being a husband in America
so many Sun-PENIS-UHH
all at the same time
all from maybe honorable ones
so you get a whole bunch of Sub-Pee-nuhs IMMEDIATLEY
its his testimony..
you see many football coaches after a game; with many microphones interviewing them.
Wanting testimony.
Hold this microphone and dont think of its likeness to a penis
wow, a soft like head part and a shaft that demands to be black
why cant we do this interview with like a different microphone? can we at least change the color; i have PTSD;
yes; but there are options; psycholgist helps; understands; reshapes it; but they have an olympic event AND YOU MUST DIE NOW and the testimony can be taken
Why not let them rest and have some time;kidnfsd ;ahsio'rgt'ib9u9
we dont know
but it seems possible; that there is life after death, and so causing a death with many horrible thoughts is necessary to create the right life after death they desire; so a Gang Rape might produce those memories and spiritual energy necessary..
So taking one to a dungeon is important..
There was a testimony of a guy from Israel that had his 9 year old daughter kidnapped in 2023, and they told him his daughter is dead and he said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thus; testimony is testimony
Ten thousand sub-pee-nuhs WHAT DO YOU MEAN
Bible says something seeks the testimony of those that have the testimony of jesus christ..
bible says, they overcame with testimony and...
sodom and gomorrah young and old
"Looking for a couple cute angels in uniform to gang rape to death"
call this number and tell them this mild story;
testimony now now now now now now now
Revelation 17\8:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is
fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold
of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
Anyone know who Tyre is in the bible? The Mart of Nations--Jeremiah 10:..7 Who would not fear thee, O King of nations?..9 and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men. 10 But the Lord
is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his
wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to
abide his indignation.
Jeremiah 51:7
10 But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.
King James Version
7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
still recovering
where is Barbra walters who understands there is nothing to hide; just want to tell it to the right person at the right time.
Book Idea:
Testimony of a Fatherless with a widow in America.
There was this girl who wanted to be part of Miss Teen USA (America)
they followed the judgement, and finally they found, she can participate; but she is 74 years old now; and she doesnt even qualify for Miss America; too bad HAHAHAHAHA
People fighting Angels; please beware;
Testimony helps us; is very important and sways our present choices.
THe father of the girl that was kidnapped in Israel that said YES!!! when they said she died; was because he said, something about how they treat living people; its so bad; like, if you had to die; would you prefer quick and fast or Gang Rape to death like the woman in Gibeah of Judges the book in the bible Chapter 19-20.
So, YES!!! she died haha
(meaning to me, like, they wanted to brutally kill her, but she died easily during transportation to the dungeon, so haha, you didn't get what you wanted and that makes one happy in such cases)
Judges 19
Video footage of your daughters death: by one of the American Sketch Artists
Chapter #6 Some Testimony
Thursday, April 18, 2024
August 25th of 2019 think of as a father Document
(See it in pictures at the bottom)
An evil spirit from the LORD troubled him....
So David played the Harp and the evil spirit departed:
People bitten by Fiery Serpent; were cured by looking at the statue of the snake Moses made and they were healed.
So: Theory:
Ways to bless......a song may not cure someone's eyes and a rainbow wont cure someone's ears...
Just remember this so one can know what one may need to feel better; noticing what one has been seeing lately, or hearing...
August 25th 2019:
I think God, creator of heaven and earth; or one on God's team, gave me another sign yesterday: I was playing Heroes of might and magic 3 after working on scripture pictures and videos; and I remember praying to God to help me to make it that I go to church tomorrow because I wanted to Go and that I believe God knows best how to guide me in nice smooth ways that I like. And so what happened was that the game crashed around 7 A.M., and the last image I saw was the picture of one of the heroes that a few weeks ago or a month I was saying reminds me of the look of "Modern Day Preachers",
(update 2024 March of the picture of the hero that reminded me of modern day preachers)
and that when I see that hero its like hes saying I should go to church! And so it happened to be that heroe's picture that the game crashed on, and I might have reloaded the autosave, but instead I figured it was too rare a thing that it was that hero, and that I believe God or one on God's side somehow made that happen on a totally random map; in order to help me to go to church... So i was able to get a few hours of sleep and then wake up and go to Church, which I benefited from well I thought.
So I think this was a mini sign, definitley more personal..and its all so random chance stuff that I don't think the deceivers that do many wonderful works and miracles were behind it..I think God does listen to our words, and knew that I would see that heroes picture and think regarding church, and that was how God helped to get me to go to bed and wake up for church.
And then a 2nd mini sign I think, which again the scripture says anything we ask for according to his will we will get it! SO I think its God's will that I learn scripture, and I wanted to learn and understand too...and so I've made a lot of scripture pictures at this point, and I've had some typos...but the way this one happened was just very "confounding", because I immediatley noticed the error in spelling "confounded" when I looked at it, but I spent a long time working on it, and so its strange that I wasn't able to notice the typo when making it! I spelled it "Counfounded"..from the verse "The Moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion..." something like that... and so when reading, I wanted to define "confounded"...and I realized that my typo going unnoticed until after I sent it out, was "confounding" to me and since I want to learn and understand scripture and its according to God's will, I think these are mini-little ways that God helps answer prayers. And I also felt a bit "ashamed" of myself to make such an obvious typo with one of the words that I magnified over some of the other words...but then I stopped feeling those bad things, confounded and ashamed, because it seemed to help me understand...and that the Moon and the Sun may similarily find themselves in that situation...God is just really good, I think more so than we comprehend, especially when it comes to fulfilling certain prophesy...I still wonder how the Moon could end up being confounded and why in the world would the sun be ashamed when the LORD of hosts reigns?
Maybe its like being ashamed of a great grandparent who is a bit more wild that sophisticated modern culture...and so the sun might be ashamed? and the moon how did I miss that typo? Where were any helpers or angels or demons or spirits to also try to point that I dont know...but I noticed it immediatley after the fact...
and I was Confounded!! :)
it may not be much but its a lot to me cause its basically all I double or nothing...some might say yeah but you only won 5 dollars, yeah but all I had was 5 dollars, and it was doubled to 10 dollars!... Maybe if I had more, God would be able to give me more significant signs...or maybe I just need to somehow move God to compassion more, or I dont know..maybe I just need to keep seeking and trying to have faith...and just praying that Im accounted worthy to escape all the things..and to not suffer...I dont know what asking for too much is...but I feel okay to ask not to suffer...but to ask for a million dollars? nah... I already tried that...and it seems theres too many out there that pray against me..they might not pray often, but if I pray for amillion dollars I feel they will all of a sudden have a prayer "NO, lose money"... so God grants their prayers maybe...
Its as though its become impossible to have personal relationships anymore because of how invasive and possessing spirits and individuals have the tares are tightening their grip around everything, theres no longer individuality or peculiarity allowed..and its like every relationship has to be a common relationship, even ones own relationship with God...
Imagine that Legion guy that Jesus healed and put the spirits in the can that guy ever pray in secret? if that guy looks at a picture, do all those spirits see it too?...Is that what I mean as common relationships..that Mary Magdelene had 7 devils that jesus casted many Devils or spirits does everybody today harbor with them?
Better to not know philosophy probably...except for the sacrifice parts, where after their host is done, they can just leave and enter something else possibly...and their host is like their "sacrifice"....
Thus its truly a cruel thing when the spirits start forbidding the "host" certain things that help them cope with the over-crowding;
Thus God, I feel better just asking to not suffer; to be accoutned worthy to escape..because i think theres a lot of mean spirits out there in this world..and they make it not nearly as fun as it could be..I really dont even want to be alive, or have existence...not within the boundaries that I feel are set before me anyways...
SO I have to try to have some sort of Faith...that God has some sort of plan...some sort of something..why? so then I will look for that which I had not thought, because God is greater than my ability to imagine at this point, so maybe I have to have the faith that there is something, just look harder, try to find it.think outside of my own box, but know that God would leave a trail for me to find it, and to try, if possible..
Its impossible to please God without Faith....the books if God can do that with the heroes game, that was on a random map, totally random stuff...maybe theres other things
Please God guide me; please help me even more and more; I want to enjoy being alive and trying to do what is right; and I guess asking for death in my case might be like a cow asking a farmer for death....
So please help me more; Righteous cares for life of why should I ask anyone but God? God can make water come out of the rock; but the key is finding out how to have that to have God want to turn your water into wine...its like I could go to sleep now..or I could do some pushups...but I dont "feel" like it...and so maybe God doesnt feel like turning my water to wine...usually Jesus did great things when he was "moved to compassion" when he "felt like it"
Like the woman he called a dog...he didnt feel like it, until her response moved him to feel like healing her daughter, "O woman, great is thy faith, be it even as thou wilt!" and her daughter was made whole from that very hour.....
Jesus didnt do many works in his hometown I guess cause he didnt have much faith to work Im asking for that key to know how to motivate God to feel like turning my water into wine!
I should consider the implications though, the consequences why it might just be too much to Legion...if God did a miracle all those spirits would see it and maybe God only wanted to heal that host, that man, and not the spirits possessing his body...and so they win by that default, ..long as they are there, no water turned to wine. it even as thou wilt......who cares if they see anything, its no different then everything else at this point I think...
but ive so many times thought certain things, and they didnt turn its not always be it even as thou understand Gods choices id have to understand so many variables I dont even know I should be those that it says "die without instruction" from proverbs...
like were tied to the collective faith of everyone....socialism in faith...everyone gets the average of everyone...forcing one to desire to increase the faith of others in order to simply kick up the average so they can enjoy a little more...but theres those that seem dead set on killing all faith...and they seem to have more power and resources than were stuck with a decreasing faith....and so we dont get signs...
So wish you were better like Jim rohn says..I think thats according to God's instructions caleb and joshua, if it pleases the lord, we will take that we just have to be better, but my problem seems to be in the delusion that they achieve in thinking their mean and hatred is somehow a good neessity in order to push one to believe more, thereby justifying their mean ways and influencing them to be even more mean and cruel...and thus Id rather just be like the Ass of Ballaam, and just fall down and not react if he beats me, cause if I get up then he will say it was good to hit me so hard...and I dont want to fuel that delusion..
So maybe the key is just to focus on God, the creator, always...and just forget everything else, or try to....and Gods happiness is most important; so I should try to always strive to do things that is pleasing to God; like it mattered what that woman said to Jesus, and how it caused him to feel, not how her daughter felt about it "mom youre embarassing me, now everyone knows I was devil possessed! now nody wants to date me"..... but not to worry cause they all probably have even more devils they just dont know it or expose it...but the truth is pleasing to God...
Maybe thats the key...while somehow balancing the empathy equation that is tied to other people through God, for God has no pleasure that the wicked are destroyed, but rather they would repent..and so you have to not care about them in order to care about God, who then in turn cares for them naturally as a Good Creator would, for which then causes you to want to care about them and then you get trapped in their lacks of faith and mistaking you for some altruism in order to fill the void their faith in God should have been.....
Like God always seems to give his dearly beloved into the hands of her enemies...or sheep in the midsts of wolves...cause Gods looking for missing sheep..and when God finds you, and you Find God and are happy, then its like okay God what next, keep looking for fact, go get lost again...go in the midsts of wolves...and tell them how great and loving God is...
and this seems to be like an eternal process;
Cause when youre found, its like youre not as special anymore...the special dollar is that missing the parable of a woman that had 20 dollars or something..and 1 of them was missing, doth she not leave the other 19 dollars and go search for the 1 dollar? wow, whats God doing? Looking for "the one", is this the matrix?
and then you get found...and then whats God doing? "looking for the one"
Gods always looking for missing sheep; and the angels rejoice over 1 sinner that repents...but it doesnt say they rejoice forever...maybe its like lasting the time of a dinner...and then they are hungry the next day...and youre not special anymore...
and then its like okay God what do you do when you have no missing sheep? what is that even like for you?...
wheres God? what do those sheep do? is that that how the violent take it by force...cause God is absent, out looking for the 1 missing dollar, and the violent come and take the 19 sitting there Godless..
so maybe they should CLING to the LORD thy God, like chicks under a mothers wings..
but the parable says he leaves the 99...maybe God should take the 99 with to go look for the 1..but maybe thats just too much of a hassel...but then God gets back and all his sheep have been scattered, and given to be meat for the beasts of the field...and the sheperds dont look for God has to go look for them...
so maybe Heaven is like the traveling man parable.....heaven is wherever God is...and so if God goes looking for the 1 will, the sheep should follow and help out I guess...but if God says NO...
I dont know.
I think thats weird cause bible says God wants us to cling to cleave to God...maybe thats for Gods own sanity so you dont get lost while God is out looking for "the one"...
Dont be double minded..make a choice, and give it all you Got, ask God for help, tell the truth, dont lie, and then do.
99-1 Rule...
So puttting them in hell, they cant get lost/ God knows where they are...and so while they are in hell, they cant go around scattering the Jesus says with me or against me, either you gather with me or scatter abroad...and so while they are in hell, they cant keep scattering :D and God goes a little less crazy?
So blank it out man; try to think of it like doing your duty; you have to piss or take a crap or drink water; its personal; youre trying to learn the secret kung fu parable of the bible, the secret prayer powers; the secret places of the most high...they arent..
so; you have to ask wthout doubt; ; its like in heroes; i ask God to belss the map but sometimes I feel ashamed to do so so the prayer is with doubt i guess..
thats okay; you dont get mustard seed faith but little by little unless god chooses otherwise..i dont know what else to write here;
try to remember the secrets and put them together; and experiment on them
remember not to make haste but remember there are times to make haste; times to embrace and times to refrain from embracing; remember reproofs of the law is the way of lifel
the kingdom of heaven cometh not with observation;
the kingdom is within....
Did I really mean that statement? About being given a talent? Or are those empty words; because if I do believe it to be true...
Remember the aim is not to get the book published; the Aim is God; God,creator is the goal; its not about how many youtube views; Do you believe, God is enough as a judge? Do those that say they believe think they will not be tested?
Ok God creator please help me a lot more;
Another 3rd mini sign;; I started trying to unknot my hair and randomly found a comb from the Amish Mennonite information center that greatly helped; what a good invention taken for granted; Thank you God for stuff like that.
August 27th 2019
They that understand among the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil many days
35 and some of them of understand shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, een to the time of the end. because it is yet for a time appointed
working on the one video; theres a part i heard that stood out more; in reference to its not good for man to be alone; and in the song the girl sings a decent incentive to keep me at it. plus audio "when I had you"..
made me think regarding motivation; but I guess you will be hated if you take a certain route; and i think they tend to give bad things not good things to those they hate; so if its not good for man to be alone then they would have one they hate to be alone;
I think my issue is in regards to still trying to understand what Gods involvement in everything is..and I guess its to let them make their free will choices and then they get to reap give them a chance to do the right thing; its nice to be given another chance. isnt that what a lot of people who mess up pray for? more time...another get it right?...
so until they get it right...their mistakes trickle into causing pain to others, or suffering...and God would ask maybe to suffer with while they try to get it right...with a limited time of course I would think...or maybe how sad it would be to end it on them getting it so terribly wrong.
but why cant God find a way to help make it good for the ones suffering...why do the bad things have to be..
let both grow together....okay...then God willl sever the wicked from among the just..will sort the sheep on the right and the goats on the left parable..
until then grow together..and if youre chosen as a just one, then youll have better reminders of what happens when youre not just because you had to live with those mistakes in part.. like if someone bears false witness, and you have to should have a stronger distaste for false witness because you were a victim of it...if youre just i think.
but still better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.. better is a corner of a rooftop then a wide house and a brawling woman...or contentious..
but then its like in jail, they take away your mattress to punish you further, as if solitary confinement isnt enough, to punish you further they take your magazines and books and food...and mattress..and clothes...
so is that similarly whats going on...taking away money, alcohol, marijuana, all the things that helped me deal with the solitary attacks? with the gang stalking attacks?....
But I know, or storngly believe God can still help me well...Im thankful for the things I still have and all but Im just very confused.
and you may end up learning how much you hate lies; and how devastating it is to do; being victimized by it..
why do we have to learn through such pain? because if we have 1 father; we are all brothers in a sense; and able suffered for his brother cain; father Adam... why did cain have to kill Able? the heart is desperatley wicked, who can know it?
Why did he kill Abel? who can know it for sure; werent there 10 million plus other options Cain could have taken rather than to kill Abel? 1 being like go smoke some weed and see how he feels...maybe go pray....have a drink....think about it....tons of options..
but who can know it?
so well sever the violent from the non-violent; a non-violent person wouldnt have killed Abel there right? im not talking about self-defense saying 10 people can be called stupid, and they can all react differently...a violent one might punch you in the face...a non-violent one might cry and pray to God to not be stupid anymore...
So its a time terrible... cruelty....belief in the God of forces...might is right...the biggest bully philosophy...
but guys like Paul, who changed name to Saul, give hope; going from a violent one killing stephen, to one that was following after the prince of peace, suffering in the hands of bullies that were like him, being all things for all people in hopes to save some...
doing exploits....trying to instruct jesus was..and letting them know how they might get mistreated...even knowing hewould send them prophets and wise men, and some of them shall they kill and crucify, and scourge from city to city...yet still sending them out..
now you want to know, how can one either avoid the scourging, or have a good time doing gods will in getting scourged....
having a good time in captivity....does it matter? if their intent is to not have you feeling good, then even if God helps you have a good time in the wilderness, then they will just make the wilderness not a choice....they will continue to try and reach their goal...Dystopian socieites are forged this way, by divergent ones going through the eye of the needles of oppression, and their oppressor concludes if one can then others can and thus we must add more chords to the security to ensure their domination..
and then it happens again, someone works even harder and more prudently, and finds an escape, so they get more stringent..more cruel...because they believe int heir philosophy of ruling through cruelty and force; and flattery.
we fight against wickedness in high places....
so even if you find a way to enjoy the corner of the rooftop so to speak; as long as they continue to believe their philosophy, they will justify in their mind they need to stuff you further in a locker....
and even if it gets to chained to the wall... you will find a professor X, from x-men...who can use his mind to do exploits..and the paranoia of being able to feel his prayers, will be enough to justify in their mind to torture him while he is chained to the wall so that his entire existence is suffering continually.. no time to pray for things or to fight back..just a constant torment while being chained to a wall...
maybe then this realization is what will invoke certain free non-violent ones to recognize the need to get involved...because they take non-violence to an excess extreme, not properly understanding the serpent...not being as wise as the serpent..and doing so allows much suffering...
in a future place; maybe when wiser, they will be able to instruct these lessons without people having to go through the pain of touching the stove...
Theres principalities based on wanting others to suffer; and if they put them in suffering situations and they find a way to enojoy; its contrary to the desire of their oppressor; hence, doing exploits...
but it seems bad things MUST HAPPEN says the scripture through jesus, and woe to them for through who it happens to...sounds like they want to touch the stove..woe to the finger they force to touch it with..the toe suffers, but might conclude its so bad just cut the finger off and lets get on with it cause as long as this burning finger is part of our body, we are busy looking for a doctor to help us...and so its a case where the whole body goes to hell but the finger is the riddle of cropping the top...their upside down ways...Caiphas thinking its better that 1 suffers than many perish...but id rather lose 10 1 dollar bills than 1 100 dollar bill..Jesus being worth a lot more than they right? (Update march 2024 John 11: 49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, 50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. 51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;)
So what happens; Jesus says good to cut the hand off then all of you to go to hell...but he means a hand that is bad, evil, contrary to God...they do it opposite..because Jesus was doing great miracles they feared people would follow him and not they want to cut off the hand for being good....upside down to what Jesus taught..
So they believe 1 will suffer for many, but instead many will suffer, he who digs a ditch falls pull the plug from the bath tub, and all the water goes down the drain, the boats dont float...they crash...they stall...
like prophecy said, few are saved...narrow is the way that leads to life....broad is the way to destruction....maybe God lets the few suffer in hopes to instruct..cause your with God or against God, and so that means until youre with God youre against God, just like in the Matrix, how they know those people are who they want to help but until then they are dangerous to them, susceptible to Agent possession..
SO we suffer because we believe in them; we want to give them another chance..with what we hopes to save some..we wish for all, but are more happy with few than none...
Maybe if you make it one day are accounted worthy..guys like Paul might look back on his shipwrecks, his sufferings and see those that make it, and were inspired or moved or helped by what he did, and thus then he will be able to reap good for what he sewed..
Maybe this is why they rejoice so much over 1 sinner repenting..because if they are looking for lost sheep..if thats their game, their job...its like getting the golf ball into the hole when youre at a mini-putting feel good...youre feel satisfaction...
you live off those... Jesus says you can do nothing without me; he is the vine, we are the branches, the father is the husbandman... if the branch produces a good fruit, does not the husbandman reap the largest benefit? doesnt the vine next...and the branch last? so other branches may feel something bad, but the farmer feels something good...thats what hes farming for...and thats why it matters more what God thinks then what your peers think, or what the tares think, or what fellow-wheat think...its more important about what God thinks..
Envy is out there; like in lord of the rings, Legolas and the Dwarfe were concerned with who killed more enemies...the tares, the enemy doesnt like it, and it can also be fellow-wheat can get Envious...and as long as this man doeth many miracles, the people may follow him and not them, and the romans shall come and take away their place and nation, thus its better they get rid of Jesus and they stay in their seats....but the people suffer; thus they had to take Jesus through subtilty...confuse the people...even get them to declare his blood is on their hands...and their childrens hands...
but youre one of the people...and if you do well, if youre a branch on the vine of Jesus, do you care that Jesus gets more? No, because youre like a blind man by the way, asking for to be healed...but someone might say, wait, if he heals you, think of the great praise he would get!...but you would get your would be healed....otherwise, you see, their ways are remain blind...and the healer may suffer a bit trying to instruct many, but theres the faith that ultimatley God will preserve him and deal with those that follow principalities that arent beneficial...
And then the husbandman who is farming the vine, think of how great his party will be with some really good fruit from the vine! the better the fruit the happier; and will reap the joy of being able to share the fruit with others...
Thus; if you can grasp that, you wouldnt stop advancing simply because nobody wants to advance with you; because you have a faith in God...and you believe that the unseen ones, are righteous; and the Vine does want branches that produces lots of fruit..knowing that, some produce more than others, some were planted in good ground, others in not so good ground...
Its like Branches in companies...if a branch isnt producing, like in the office, they were thinking of closing MIchaels branch or another that other branch might see its either them or Michaels paper company....fellow wheat... Israel is like the vine, 12 children, like branches, Joseph very fruitful....11 other branches decide to throw that branch in the well...
But think of as a Father; how are your kids doing....,,so they had to LIE to their father,
but they could be honest to eachother..and cruel to Joseph....honestly cruel...remember Joseph would also give reports to his father..
So God says in samuel, he that honors me I will honour...thats not hard to understand using these parables I think...
The Farmer wants good fruit; the vines that produces good fruit are honoring the farmer, and the vines that produce bad fruit or no fruit are dishonoring the farmer; but what Father, that is just, wouldnt wish that Cain and Abel both can do good and be accepted? What Farmer wouldnt want all his vines to succeed;
So the hopes is in the realization...Jesus says he will require it of this generation, the killing from the righteous Abel....think about how long that is...from Cain killing Abel to Jesus saying that...and that those kids would have to pay for what Cain did all the way back then...
Whats the waiting so long.. I think its in hopes to get them all; that they realize the errors; and do good; and consider the feelings of the father like Judah did, he said if they take Benjamin, their father will suffer, because he already lost Joseph..the 2 kids from Rachel, and it was better to take him, for he has others from Leah...and he perceived this would be more good for his Father's feelings...willing to lose his life, he saved it...based on faith..and thats when Joseph made himself known, and they were crying and stuff..
but was the envy ever cured from their hearts...i do not know....if they envied him then, I wonder what they felt while he was 2nd only to Pharaoh...after the tears dried and all...
Gideons kids; 71 or 70 kids he had...and 1 of them killed all of them but 1..i think to be the first King... think about that...its like 12 children, 11 throw 1 in the well...then 10 will throw 1...then 9 will throw 1...
it keeps going...and hence, people will betray one another.....friends taking up friends, false witnesses...etc...
if its not cured from the heart...then it will manifest in other ways...
so like Psalm 78...that they might not be like their fathers a generation that did not set their heart right...
they can blow up the groves, destroy every image, but did they make their hearts right? *think of how Billy Graham was saying your heart right?
so until we put an emphasis on this; we are going to keep attacking and prohibiting things as if everything will be okay if you just get rid of x y z...but believers are taught that bad things come from within, out of the heart, the most deceitful, the desperatley wicked...
This is why God looks on the heart; because would you give a desperatley wicked heart a gun? it would do desperatley wicked things with that gun...or with that knife...or with that stick...or with that money...etc etc..
So first make the heart right...then give it things...and it will do better things with those things...
So we should be practicing how to make hearts right...but the conflict comes with as you see the discussions that the elders and chief priests, led by Caiphas, were having regarding Jesus who was trying to make hearts more pure, less wicked...they stopped him..for fear of their job security...
should we think ourselves more wise today to not conclude its likely a similar thing going on everywhere? and thats why.....Malcolm X testifies in his last speech, they want black role models for black people, but they are choosing to give only role models that will get people knocks on the head for following..and want to silence ones that are positive role models..whats their motive? you can say I dont know, but maybe you can consider its like the Chief Priests, Elders, and Caiphas plotting in their palace how to get rid of Jesus because he does many miracles...and people might start following him..isnt that what Malcolm X said? they fear that the public might start listening to you, and not to them...
I think if he were even more time, he would have quoted scripture there.....thus you can see..another example from Mr smith goes to washington, that man says "If he doesnt fall in line and behave himself, i'll break him so wide open hell never be able to find the pieces." sounds like Malcolm X talking about the International Criminal Machine....ironically, they call that guy Taylor and his machine...
to the fellow branches; they should be easier to instruct because they can simply understand that they are blind and Jesus is healing their sight; and he might like it says in Jude, he that helps with a sinner brings many good things...but they can weigh their options, stay blind, and also be part of killing a good innocent guy...or get healed, and then who knows what the future holds when you can see, eventually you might surpass..just like jesus said, in the future people will do even GREATER works than what was said to Cain, if thou doest well, shall thou not be accepted? and if not, sin lieth at the door...
so that seems easy to me; the better my master does, the better the crumbs are that fall from the masters table, and thus, the dog has better crumbs...
now if youre anenemy, a tare; its the same philosophy, but its harder i think to explain it to them.
they arent blind by the way...they do see.....and they do know and recognize the value...its like Gold appraisers, or Junk appraisers...they know the value...the people dont know the value...and they fear that the people will follow Jesus and they will be like one of the 11 brothers of Joseph.....
but its in their own interest...blessed are the merciful they do good to their own souls...
but I guess their pride convinces them that they can get away with it..and I guess to an extent they can according to scripture, where God had to go and see if the cries that were coming up to him from Sodom and Gomorrah were true, and if not he would could he not know?
thus it may be a similar sequence of events; and I wonder if that experience I had, with Jennifer Connely, that vision, is in order to explain that on a bigger scale what happens in that event...and it seems to make great sense to me...
What would the 11 brothers have done if they knew Joseph was alive..and he wante dto see his father...depends on the time line..if it was the next day...or a month later...or a year later..they might go hard trying to ensure their father doesnt find out they lied to him... "oh but our father, what would he do?"
Thus..although hes happy Joseph is alive, what does he do regarding his children that lied? and continued to let him believe a beast had eaten him..
so its like, bury the hatchet, and never let it come back up..if it tries to get back up, they might be motivated to want to keep smacking it back down...
well the book says nothing concealed that wont be revealed eventually..maybe thats how the moon ends up confounded..and the sun ashamed...
that, Israel who likened himself to the father from Joseph's dream of the sun...and the moon as Rachel, his mother....maybe ashamed that his 11 boys would lie to him for so long! to have watched him grieve over every birthday of his dead son, who wasnt dead.....and to have to know his kids were able to project that lie towards him all those many evil can be somethinng your ashamed of......but I think happy over that Joseph is alive and that the God of Abraham never let go; and thus, great feelings that can over take the bad feelings...
so what might that the 11 children might make some gruely friends...and let them in their fathers house...who then in turn betray the children....and mess with the father...
and if their father is messed with and they are branches..its destruction...leads to destruction...their own destruction...but maybe the father doesnt want to go down with them cause the father was a victim as much as Joseph was...but the father also desires his branches to repent and be saved you see the struggle?
but if they are saved, they have to deal with a greater pain of the orignal issue...Joseph is more highly praised, and is nurturing his brothers, and then what?...the cycle will repeat until the problem is solved from the heart....
so we have to make our hearts right...otherwise I dont see an exit light where everyone is saved; cause they will just envy him more;
and his father will love him even more greatly than the other children..extending the gap...
but until then, you might decide its the rainbow jacket..maybe thats the more rainbow jackets...maybe its all the money joseph more money...maybe its the power joseph more power...
and I dont know the truth; but the book says its the heart that needs to be made aright...and its not the alcohol, or the marijuana, or the rainbow jackets...its the hearts..
August 26th of 2019 Wednesday Around 12:00 P.M.
Wanted to write a few thoughts;
How Israel responded to Gibeah; they were knit together against the city as 1 man.
In deuteronomy 27: 12 We learn 6 of the children of Israel are on Mount Gerizim, and they are to bless the people. In the next verse 13, 6 of the children of Israel are on Mount Ebal, and they are to curse the people.
This in conjunction with the Sun of Righteousness from Malachi chapter 4; The Sun of Righteousness blesses, or heals those that fear the name of God; as it says something like there shall be healing in his wings; but at the same time, all that do wickedly shall be ashes or burned to stubble;
This makes me think of being knit together; where Blessing and Cursing are working at the same time.
There is also some place in Isaiah that says He who sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of Truth; and he that blesses in the earth shall bless by the God of truth; Swear in my generation has like a triple meaning; one of them being Swear words, also called "Curse words"
So I think its to say that the 6 that are on Ebal, whom are to curse the people, must Curse the people by the God of truth. And those that bless the people must bless them by the God of truth;
Hence; if it is not by the God of truth; is it a lie? A blessing times a lie equals flattery? And Open rebuke is better than secret Love;
SO i wanted to note that in case I forget it cause I think that was God or God's servants trying to move me to the next understanding point of Ebal and Gerizim with that verse from Isaiah if it were ever to be an instructional instance on that; where it seems there could be a tendancy with Lawyers, some are to Defend some are to Attack, but they don't always do it based on a code of truth; and I wonder if thats parably for how some may err by giving blessings through lies and also being lets say a man of war, to curse, looking for lies in order to curse; or making up things in order to curse;
Thus its faulted unless it is by the God of truth; So it says that he who sweareth shall swear by the God of Truth and he who blesses shall bless by the God of truth.
Many examples of this exists; like demons trying to go inside of a person to simulate a pain in order to control the one it is possessing through lies and the belief of being unable to prove demonic activity; and then having others say it was due to improper use of meeications or diet; unable to care for self; whereas the truth revealed showcases Demonic Murderers; and everything covered will be revealed ors omething like that;
So I hope that serves to warn them that although man is blind to it; there are those that see very clearly and I want thme to understand how embarassing it is and to please have the faith that they wont get away with it; and to stop those actions and to understand God may be allowing those actions in hopes for your own sakes that you make the right choice and dont end yourselves on such a disgusting position.
Thus realize the mercy; because in your midns you deduce surely God would step in if God could truly see; and has it recorded; but understand the mercy and patience of God; the longsuffering; and that if he did intervene your final instances are really shameful; and it would be very good to your own benefit and story if you would heed the warnings and stop it yourself by showcasing non-violence; that will be very helpful to your recovery if you are to escape hell;
The Quran is clear that man and jinn work together towards evil intents; and it also clearly says God will fill hell with both of them.
So please fear God. and stop hurting him; he cant see; we can; and its extremely shameful, we pity you and dont want to let you go out like that;
Monday, March 25, 2024
Stones, Spirits, Men
Quran 66:6 O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.