Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Prayer Asking the creator of heaven earth sea and all therein for more HELP in Jesus name

 PLEASE HELP ME MORE GOD THAT MADE EARTH SEA HEAVEN AND ALL THEREIM  IN TRUE JESUS NAME that lights every man that cometh into this world to be worthy to ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE AS written in the gospel according to luke 21:36 and protected from the evil until then as written in john 17:15
Bible says when my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up!  PLEASE LIKE ELIJAH TAKE ME AWAY!!!! BEGGING  as just now i had to try so hard to avoid Images of MEN being shoved on me when an partiallly natural arousal went so unnatually pushed up.. PLEASE GOD that made earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank for you the pretty girl picture ready on hand.. they ONCE AGAIN BROKE IN MY ROOM AND TOOK CUT OUT PICTURES OF PRETTY GIRLS!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME MORE!! IN JESUS NAME
praying for the seed of abraham, and archangel michael and angel gabriel and wisdom prudence patience knowledge the sweet influences of the Pleiades, instruction.
In jesus name; You know them by their fruits;  so Arch Angel Michael that said Woe to the earth and sea the devil is come down;  Angel Gabriel that said Fear Not in the book of Daniel for he has come for his words; Angel Gabriel that told Mary mother of Jesus Fear Not;
Wisdom that was possessed by the LORD and created the Earth with the LORD according to Proverbs
Wisdom that Jesus mentions is justified of all her children in the gospels
Prudence the girl that dwells with Wisdom from the bible
Instruction, the one the bible tells us to lay fast hold of;
Knowledge, another girl mentioned from the bible
Understanding, another girl, and this one with the LORD created the heavens;

more holy ghost; begging in true jesus name that lights every man.. amen..

june 18th 2024
UPDATE 7:03 pm
Tried to take a nap; nonstop propped up Penis using urine shit and gas;  various images of guys playing video games and other things shoved in my images as slemade earth and all therein in true jesus name.




eping..  Please help me more godthat

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pockets: a book about a Vulture

 Book idea 

Title:  The Vultures Prison for Vultures

The wardon was a well fed vulture, obvious to all the eyes. 

This was a confinement not a correction facility, and it was for vultures only.

Vultures that didn’t wait right 

Vultures that got used to the cafeteria line of the jungle;  lions eat first, the dogs get the crumbs, and the vultures with their hands in their pockets eat last

Chapter #2 pockets

Pockets was the name of the wardon. He was famous as far as vultures go, a living legend, he could back up faster than an nfl cornerback and as the dogs and cats chased him, his family got some prime bites of carcass.

Chapter #3 fixing the jungle

Vultures tried to imitate pockets, but never succeeded. Instead providing a McNugget to cats and dogs that thought it was what it became, a fixed event.

Pockets still lives; but he dines on vultures that don’t wait right. Vultures with no patience. Birds of prey that didn’t pray right

Chapter #4 the new generation

The new generation called pockets a cannibal: a traitor to the birds of prey. But as an old book taught, the servant knows not what his master diets, and so their masters never told them how much was lost trying to destroy pockets, the legendary vulture of the future. 

Chapter #5 pockets best friend

Pockets best friend was a bald headed eagle. Not like the ones we see today,  but a Goliath among goliaths. An eagle big enough to feed a city of vultures who have been devouring other fowls. 

Pockets didn’t know he was the image of the quarter coin, didn’t know he was a symbolic bird. Pockets was still living and had no time for sit down interviews. 

Chapter #6 discovery channel

The discovery channel taught viewers what the cafeteria line was all about. Vultures sitting back, near striking distance of lions and hyenas, but without fear. Like a nursing home of old people who still demanded their independence 

“This ain’t no prison” said pockets next target. “I don’t need nobody bringing me my food straight to my room like a correction facility. I get that my self!”

Pockets persuades a hyena to remind the fowl of the old book of proverbs and Ecclesiastes, saying before his meal comes pride and haughtiness. 

Chapter #7. Pockets the well fed vulture eats again.

When pockets eats, it’s his fellow patiently waiting vulture friends that grab the meal, and like a leopard, felt no ease eating his meal on the ground. He took it up in the air, to a higher place where even lions don’t bother.

Chapter #8. Pockets history

Pockets got his name cause he looked like a rooster that didn’t know how to use his wings to fly: he would patiently wait for the right time to make his voice heard and when he did, lions and hyenas, the cats and the dogs, couldn’t resist thinking he was breaking the union among the hungry of the land: and so they charged; but failed to realize his speed and ease at escape. And as the cats and dogs chased him; his unknown tribe took large pieces of fresh meat and bones to their feeding places of comfort, but left enough to express mercy in a tongue without tongues needed.

Chapter #9 pockets calls other vultures psychologists

Evil they were to pockets, they would circle even the slightest of wounded creatures trying to make them believe their time was up; and they would say some man named Jesus said you know where food is where you see the birds of prey circling;  but pockets had many admit they were just doing their part of the cafeteria in the jungle

The lions make the kill; the hyenas scorn the victims; and the vultures provided the mental aspect of their faith to make it easy for the kings of the jungle to make their kill, saying it was based on some legendary vulture..not knowing pockets was that vulture and he still lives.

Chapter #10 pockets knew Abraham

Abraham was known for having a dark dream in some old book, but before that dream, he scared away some vultures; pockets was among those Abraham scared away. Pockets knew Abraham as something later called by people in England “scarecrow”

Chapter #11 scarecrow 

Pockets didn’t know it was Abraham at the time; but later the old book talked about Ravens feeding a man named Elijah;  thinking this was in hopes that man would one day learn of his mistakes;  if a bird could feed meat to a man why could not The creator of man and bird use a man to feed a bird some meat?

Chapter #12. The old book

The old book became the new book in Pockets memory; and some guy the English called “Jesus” was as a man possessed by their creator telling other humans to “consider the Ravens”.  

Chapter #13. A human listens

And gets killed  but later he inspires other humans to make a movie called “birds of prey” and this inspired other humans to write this chapter down.  To remember what that other man said, to remember even the old book before it was new, to remember Abraham and his meeting with vultures. In hopes the future could be more peaceful. 

Chapter #14. Pockets spoke

“Breakfast lunch and dinner is not in any of the 10 commandments!”

But there was a time in pockets memory when vultures didn’t feed off flesh, and they looked like pockets but due to some other form of food.  None could interview pockets for he was still at war with the other vultures; making discernment’s on them all  for none knew the things of a vulture but a vulture. And he loved preying on vultures that prayed for road kill. 

Continue book or not?

Chapter #15. The blind bald headed eagle came Alive at night

Pockets knew this eagle to be like the father of roosters and hens. Being blind, he regarded not the sun or the moon, nor took he to flight, but his mouth and feet solved many a problems for grounded fowl.

Chapter #16 pockets refused to eat the eagle 

The eagle just wanted friends. It wanted to listen to help. It wanted to form the ideals that others desired of Eagles. Eagles to form bonds like ducks. But pockets reminded the eagle that we fight spirits and if these killer spirits invaded the ducks body; all the ducks can do with their feet and mouth is tickle and annoy each other; whereas eagles with their feet and mouth would surely kill

Chapter #17 possessed humans

Humans caught up in the spiritual war; pockets would remind humans listening that before they came along it was them there and the same thing happened with the apes;  who tried their body to make physical changes; taking eagle feet and eagle mouths and exchanging them with ducks who flew in a rank. Eventually becoming lone wolves devouring their entire flock; for the ducks were consumed with their own problems of thinking they were above all spiritual problems. But a duck given eagle feet who then became possessed; would easily kill its comrades but failed to dispose of the evidence. So the apes gave them eagle mouths as well. 

Chapter #18. Pockets was always hungry 

This was a lie. In the brief moment pockets almost had an interview he explained he is almost never hungry; eating is his form of expert warfare.  The book goes on but the thing we are writing the book on is down to 3% energy.  Even the sun knows his going down the old book teaches.

(Book might continue. Human says book companies look for things like this and then provide finances to the struggling writers to have a peaceful space and time to finish writing.  Is this true?)