Monday, April 6, 2020

Taking Thoughts Captive 1 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

Taking Every Thought Captive to the Obediance of Christ.
March 15th of 2020 Sunday Around 6:51 P.M.

Okay quick refresher reminder:
-No man can know the things of God
-Salvation is impossible without God
- Natural man will think the things of God are foolish, have faith believe
- If any man thinketh himself to be wise, let him become  a fool so that he may be wise

How can we know the things of God then?
The Spirit of God-- The Spirit of Truth-- We are to ask for this Spirit, the Holy Ghost,
and the scripture goes on to say
God Through Jesus in John 16:13    ...the Spirit of truth... will guide you into all truth...

    So this makes perfect sense, because no man can know the things of God, and only the spirit of God can know the things of God, we would need God's spirit of truth to guide us in this path that we trek upon through Faith..
So.. the spirit of truth will guide you INTO... sort of like beautiful accidental happenings, good surprises, because it is impossible to please God without faith, for having Faith God is pleased and thus that pleasing reaction would reap pleasing happenings...
Faith without Works is dead..
    This means, if God through Jesus told us to settle it in our minds not to premeditate upon what we shall speak beforehand of something as serious as a court case that can determine the rest of your life...
We have just been guided INTO an example of "Taking Every Thought Captive to the Obedience of Christ"
Sometimes its not what to think about, its what NOT to think about... Taylor Swift has a song with some lyrics that say "I dont know what I want so don't ask me"... but I think with more confident truth people can tell you things they definitley DON'T want while figuring out what they do want.
For instance, "Forgive them Father they know not what they do"... We believe nobody wants to go to hell.

So.. Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15      Study to shew thyself approved unto God.
And remember when serving God everything must be Salted with Gladness of Heart and Joy according to Deuteronomy 28:47....  So when studying we are to have a good time...  Remember in Billy Madison, he was having fun studying with his girlfriend?   Use that as a sort of example in understanding creativity in learning.... like using Tinkerbell, if it helps you have fun learning scripture, and its not breaking any of God's instructions, but is in accordance, what is it but Pride or misinterpretation of scripture that would stop someone from letting themselves have fun studying God's word?
Grown men... unless you are as a little child you cannot enter heaven....  So there is an avalanche of scripture that should help you against your enemies that make you feel wrong.maybe like the guy in Space Balls playing with his action figures...we have to look at it closer...
We fight spirits and principalities... Gender sterotypes are principalities and spirits... his truth shall be thy shield.... a man playing with a barbie doll does not mean he desires a penis in his ass or in his mouth... thus, Homo-phobia for parents raising children should understand sexual preferences has to do with Sexual preference, wearing pink or playing with dolls does not make someone by definition a Homosexual.. 
This is sort of a way of taking THOUGHTS captive... and we can then realize all these attacks we are under, and how the Bible and Quran and God's holy words of truth can clean us..
And it sounds eccentric..or it sounds way to burdensome..but remember Jesus said his burden is light...remember God through Isaiah said to learn little by little precept by precet here a little and there a little...remember God said through Moses we are to have fun serving God... so thats a thought when reading that scripture that showcases a lack of Faith, but if they continue on still, their Faith will grow or will have grown and then they can come back and put the pieces together and try to follow that instruction of taking thoughts captive..
How many instructions are in the bible?  A lot... can you memorize them all so fast, and then implement them..right away?.... Remember Lots Wife.. thats the shortest Instruction jesus gave, and I think its a good place to start for people to try and showcase that their hearts are close to God and its not just honour with the lips... and then God will be pleased by that Faith plus works, and that will in turn reap more signs and accidental good happenings that continue ones course towards God for it is in Gods good pleasure for us to serve God and it is in our own as well we just are coming to believe it more.

So its a win win and so of course God will guide us into all truth.... just like you would want to educate your child so one day he can talk to you on the phone or take a walk around the block with you, or converse on another level as he grows older and learns more...


So we believe now, have faith more strongly, that its good for us to at least Map out and try to embrace the things we shouldnt think about according to scripture, specifically God through jesus first according to what Paul said.
5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Okay so right away I forgot Paul tells us to cast down imaginations that exalt itself against the knowledge of God.. imaginations are thoughts... so we shouldn't try to imagine Gods knowledge isn't supreme, for in doing so, we will try to imagine ways of disproving God, which I have a personal example I can talk about regarding when the Spirit in Revelations told the Angel of 1 of the 7 churches,  I think of Thyrithia, that he wont tell him the depths of satan, will not put any other burden on him..
And i wondered at times when reasoning with God if part of the problems in this world is due to not telling people the truth, the full depths...and then in one of the spirit journeys I seriously thought I was going to die from a bible study session regarding some of the worst sins, and then talking about it, speaking my mind, as instructed in Judges 20 or 21 about the Gibeah case...and I couldnt handle what I believe was being revealed to me about how further evil things can be.. and like my heart was to fail me, I had to open my eyes to distract my mind from thinking...I believe strongly thats when God truly intervened and used me to speak in 2 different strange never before or after languages that helped calm my spirit and my heart cause he even was letting me know it was not the intent to have me die, but it was a lesson I hope to never forget especially because how beautiful it felt when God saw me struggling and intervened with such strange things to help bring me back to, what I think the bible calls, "The land of the living.". 
So my faith grew, when the spirit tells that Angel of 1 of the 7 churches you cant handle the full truth of the depths of Satan, its too much of a burden.. I believe it strongly, and I should also remember to think thats 1 of the 7 angels of the 7 churches in Asia, what more am I that I should be able to handle the depths of that truth?... and so I learn to trust in God more and to Fear God, because that is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, for if I dont fear God, I wont hearken when he says its too much of a burden, and then I put myself in a spot where I wish I wasn't, but God delivered me out of it.... I truly believe it was God and other Goodly spirits that helped bring me out of it to be more clear..

So:  Be wise as the serpent but harmless as doves.... but I think we have to add to that, not to know the full depths, and that God's truth and God's word has already prescribed the proper dosage that we can handle without our brains going into a shock, or like the Matrix says they dont unplug people to the truth after a certain age because the shock is too great or something...
So God's word likely already has all of that lined out...depths of Satan for instance, what the children of Belial did in Gibeah to that woman, what the men tried to do to the angels in Sodom and Gomorrah, Gideons 71 children fighting over who is the heir, leaving all but 2 of them dead... Athalia, a queen mother that killed all the seed royale to be the top power, except God spared one she knew not about and raised him from a young age...
These are some things we can handle learning with God about and having to remember that God can take the evil and turn it to good to all who repent, and so God will teach us good things from these shameful actions, or regrettable, or wish they never happened things... so our futures can be without blemishes..
And I feel it necessary to say that many people are a bit High Minded yet, they are zealous for God's sake, but they need to be reminded to put on "The Whole Armour of God", they might have a sword, but where is their shield of Faith?  Like they are carrying two swords, 1 in each hand, but where is the shield of faith, or where is the helmet of salvation... maybe they are sort of like James and John who was rebuked by Jesus when asked if they should send fire down from heaven like Elias, but Jesus said they know not what manner of spirit they are of... Jesus is from Judah, which is one of the six tribes of Mount Gerizim which are to "Bless"... thus, remember your helmet of salvation, bless those that curse you, pray for those that despitefully use you...
And remember the most important law, Love God with ALL your heart ALL your soul ALL your might..
So when your Faith becomes greater and God guides you into understanding why you should bless those that curse you, you can then follow that instruction with all your heart, without Doubt, and then God can help to use you into doing more greater and effective blessings against those that curse you that will achieve God's desire of Salvation for everyone to be accounted worthy... but except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe, so remember its marathon like, little by little, its a journey, a course of life....

Ok Now:

bringing into captivity--- every thought --- to the obedience of Christ.
1st   What not to think about:
A. Matthew 6:25    Therefore I say unto you,  
    Aa) Take no thought for your life
   Ab) Take no thought what ye shall eat
   Ac)  Take no thought what ye shall drink
   Ad)  Take no thought for your body
  Ae)  Take no thought what ye shall put on
Jesus then gives some understanding seed in saying  "Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"
So I think hes saying, The body is more valuable to us than the clothes we put on it, and the life within our body is more valuable than our body itself.  The life being the blood, and we do a lot of things proving we value our blood above our body....
Then Jesus i perceive is sewing a seed of Faith with that scripture to help us believe in it because it sounds foolish to the natural man so we would need something to help us believe,
26  Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.  Are ye not much better than they?
Remember Elijah being fed by ravens... but basically Im thinking here that God would be pleased with our Faith, he might try us like the children of Israel in the wilderness, but God will be pleased with our Faith and will reward us if we try it!  Worth a try right?
27  Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
So Spirit of Truth please guide me to understand this:....I think this is trying to explain to us that there are more important things to think about and we can only focus on thinking about so many things at once, and that with thought we can't make ourselves taller, so hes trying to say the things we think about are Vain in comparison to the things that are more valuable that we could be thinking about.  And that we are sort of wasting our energy thinking about these things, and leaving less room to think about other "more valuable" things.
verse 28  And why take ye thought for raiment?  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
verse 29  And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30  Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Ha, "O ye of little Faith"... but thats better than ye of No faith!   So the natural man that finds it foolish to not think of these things has little faith because Obviously God knows we need these things and for us to doubt God here is to doubt Gods ability to clothe and to feed us, like we are afraid of being a bad father, but in doing so we are not giving God his honour and we are not paying our respect by having Faith in his instruction... like it says in malachi if I be a Father, where is my honour, and if I be a master where is my fear?
So in lacking Faith, we still think about what we eat or wear, and thus, we don't give God an opportunity to give us a miracle because it is within our ability to try this out while maintaining a sort of saftey thing in case God doesn't provide.....I think like taking baby steps, and then maybe sometimes things happen to where a greater faith happens like following Jesus 3 days in the wilderness and being faint, nothing to eat, and they will die if they are sent home without food, so God through jesus makes the fish and the bread to feed all the multitudes who were spending their thoughts seeking after God and his righteousness!
Would we be willing to take such a chance?  At this point in many peoples faith possibly not, it would seem to foolish even if the opportunity were to arise, and thus Victor, you can sort of have a better understanding as to why we won't get signs because we close the door of possibility when we lack Faith, like we dont save a seat for God cause we dont see God or dont believe in God, and so even if God showed up, he might just leave seeing theres no place for God, and being displeased in our lack of Faith... for the scripture says it is impossible to please God without Faith.
Verse 31  Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat?  or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
So  Af)  Take no thought saying  "What shall we eat?"
      Ag)  Take no thought saying  What shall we drink?"
     Ah)  Take no thought saying "Wherewithal shall we be clothed?"
verse 32 ( For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)  for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

Okay:  So now you can more strongly express with truth that this isnt a failure to plan on our part for the basic needs of life, its more so really hard to do and a showcasing of our Faith in God who has a great plan and part of that plan that I don't want to mess up requires me to have faith that our Father who art in heaven knows that we have need of clothes and food and will take care of it;  and for us to think our Father who art in heaven is a dead-beat father who cant feed or clothes his children is possibly to express that we are those of little faith in Gods word, but we remain optimistic because we know if we had faith like a grain of mustard seed we can move mountains, and so our faith is like a seed that has the potential to grow if properly nurtured and guided by God who gives the increase. 

So now that Jesus got out of the way things that we shouldn't spend our thoughts on, the next verse goes on to tell us what we should spend our thoughts on, or what is more valuable.
verse 33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 
So thats what we should think about and the next verse tells us another thing not to think about
Verse 34  Take therefore no thought for the morrow:  for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. 
So  Ai)  Take no thought for tomorrow
combined with a seed of faith that tomorrow will take thought for the things of itself
and combined with a seed of understanding, that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.  This one I think is in regards to proverbs, Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for ye never know what a day may bring.  So dont think God delays his coming, that day comes as a snare on all the world, maybe its what you do in that day that gives God the faith in humanity to delay the day of the LORD which is darkness and not light!   :)

Thank you God for, I believe you, holy ghost, goodly spirits, etc, helped me to write this and it was fun and enlightening to do so!  I hope if its worth sharing with or without need of editing you will help guide me to do so!

bringing into captivity--- every thought --- to the obedience of Christ.
1st   What not to think about:
A. Matthew 6:25    Therefore I say unto you,  
    Aa) Take no thought for your life
   Ab) Take no thought what ye shall eat
   Ac)  Take no thought what ye shall drink
   Ad)  Take no thought for your body
  Ae)  Take no thought what ye shall put on
So  Af)  Take no thought saying  "What shall we eat?"
      Ag)  Take no thought saying  What shall we drink?"
     Ah)  Take no thought saying "Wherewithal shall we be clothed?"
So  Ai)  Take no thought for tomorrow

verse 32 ( For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)  for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
 MATTHEW 24:48    Aj) Think not “the lord delays his coming”
48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delays his coming:...

PROVERBS 16:3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
PROVERBS 24:9 The thoughts of foolishness is sin..
ZECHARIAH 8:17 And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.
ZECHARIHAH 7:10 ..and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.
ROMANS 5:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
ROMANS 5:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

ROMANS 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

PHILIPPIANS 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virture, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

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