This generation
I will require the blood of Abel
and all the prophets. (Jesuss said in LUKE 11:50)
(Listen. They make you vain. Meaning they rip out your hunger and thirst for the truth. They steal your desires for knowledge. And they make you feel complicit with wresting judgements on your own and other people’s lives. They pull the chord on your souls fire alarm bell that sparked your interest. They convince you to not worry. )
Then you get sparked again by something and see what Jesus said “Seek the kingdom and his righteousness first” so your fire bell rings and you’re hungry for searching. And then you go to them again to help you understand another verse.
And they make you vain again.
And you’re not hungry cause someone found god for you and all you have to do is accept their gift for you.
So relax and go to sleep as they disconnect the fire alarm again.
You get sparked again. “Let the dead bury the dead” your soul wakes up for a moment and is hungry and thinks fun things and possible things and goes to the ones that make you vain again (Mr theology school master says this means the dead in Christ and the spiritually dead for we know no dead are alive and so let me remove that fire alarm from you and now go back and relax and accept my gift for you).
And then you’re like shut up Holy Ghost it is finished. (Can these bones live?) No they can’t the Bible is a bla bla blaaa. (Oh, the Holy Ghost was going to remind you that "they" have made a covenant with death and hell, and made lies their refuge, of course they would say that about letting the dead bury the dead! but you silenced your holy ghost)
The theology school master baker has leavened your Kingdom within you with the leaven of faithlessness and doubt,
the leaven of vanity, maliciousness, wickedness, and envy of God and has tied up your Holy Ghost, the strong man in your temple of God, in order to spoil your goods.
And thus, they will spend the rest of your days spoiling your kingdom.
You are the Temple of God.
The Holy Ghost dwells in you.
Can a man enter a house and spoil his goods lest he first tie up the strong man?
So they must tie up the strong Holy Ghost man in you first
And then convince you to starve it from the word of God (never feed it song of solomon or lamentations among other things)
And you are susceptible to doing their ways when the most important choices of your life are on the line like in the matrix. And they take over.
you let them drive and they crash your body trying to stop God and then jump and go in the next individual like the leigion leaving the man and enterting the swine and jumping off the cliff.
if you feed your Holy Ghost
he fights them and doesn’t get tied up and he helps you make those good choices like not hurting someone you don’t know if they are guilty or not and so you can reject that unholy spirit trying to give you anxiety to make a choice on hurting some religious guy.
And then the spirit flees from you and tries to pester someone else to go hurt that guy.
But at least you didnt let them borrow your temple and your soul and your goods as a disposable diaper to carry out their evil works.
Where as God sees us all as peculiar treasures. They see us as....
Thus they make you vain. They make you void. He that follows vain persons becomes void of understanding. You become a check with an amount that God has written "Priceless" but you followed the vain ones, and they stamped a big "VOID" on your gift from God.
Jesus said all that came before him were thieves and robbers.
So these guys cut off your temple alarm
convince you to silence your Holy Ghost
and listen to them instead and whenever a question on religoin comes up you “ask your pastor” which is search engine's professional biblic commentators.
Making them your holy ghost, making them the one to guide you into all truth.
(Remember, moses said word is nigh to you, in heart, in mouth, don’t need to go to heaven or over the sea)
And he continues spoiling your goods by asking you to get more interpretations
then you bring in a whole bunch of his thieving friends who make your ears itchy.
And then you invite in more and more and more of his ear scratch your itch friends until you are no longer having anything they want to spoil...
and what do you get in the end? Jesus says depart from me.
You let your kingdom be used by them to help scatter the sheep. Because any time the Holy Ghost wanted to be a part of your possible answers to Gods word you let those other guys say no thats wrong shut up this is what is right.
And your inner child like faith dies little by little and you become like pastor like people parable ( I think in need of a sacrifice to be resalted like, cause their salt ran out through the broad path to destruction..and you're next up to go get some new converts so they can enter their temple and spoil their goods and be refreshed.)
Eventually you expand out, the leaven is causing you to rise but convincing you to lower your standards of morality, giving you larger options of sacrifices to get resalted.
And hell then tie up other peoples Holy Ghost and partake in the spoils.
Until God's alarm of (Gotta step in or no flesh left) and so naturally you begin devouring one another, like wolves bible parable.
Partaking then in tieing up people’s body to squeeze out drops of their last remaining virtue like toothpaste bottles
then you’re tieing up their bodies and feeding on their bones.
And you look around and see how things have changed and realize the leaven of the Pharisees is truly leavening the whole world as rules become stricter and the love of many is waxing colder and colder
and people don’t believe in magical love stories and fairy tales (or red sea like parting miracles) And the news talks only about the criminals and the bad things. No stories of good people doing good things. No longer showing heart warming proposals
just mug shots of people you don’t want to see.
They convince you to take down that Martin Luther King poster you put up as a child when you had dreams too
and you put up a poster of a guy that has a very long list of crimes including breaking into a pregnant woman’s house and spoiling her goods with his friends after pistol whipping her. He becomes your hero
your Jesus
your Martyr.
And before you know it you’ll be banging on that door to the kingdom of God asking Jesus what the heck,
let me in cheek turning miracle nice man of God!
and he will say depart from me!
And then you might look back and see who else is trying to get in
and it becomes much more clear that you are that pretty girl outside the city that the whoremongers mong.
And your thing was weren't a pretty little liar, you were a really pretty liar,
but you didn’t know those lies had the consequences of making space for Barabas at the cost of Jesus.
And more and more you pushed out the remnants of Jesus to make room for Barabbas.
You let the leaven of the pharisees twist all the words that jesus spoke, the degeneration of gods priceless child denegrating its value to VOID.
Your sins were little and silly
except you kept making arguments for their sins that include stuff like rape and sex slavery prostitution on innocent people
but you turned a blind eye cause thats what a vain person on the path of VOID would do.
Then you’re going to cry,
but don’t worry baby,
then those other guys, the strong guys who kick lots of buts
start banging on the door.
Yoo Jesus
what the fluck!
we cast out all them demons and shit.
We fed lots of people by gathering money on tv.
Now open up cause we having lots of problems out here!
and you start to feel better.
Like yeah
thats right
And then youre like your new hero...
looting the Best Buy and partaking in the breaking down of local community stores.
And you have no more dreams.
No more hopes of righteousness.
The Nothingness from the Never Ending has gotten hold of your soul.
"People with no hopes are easy to control"
You join the hunt of a pack of ravening wolves not sparing the flock.
Being a part of persecuting those people that still have dreams and hopes in good stuff.
You're disgusted, you hate this world, you hate your life, and the nearly starved to death holy ghost squeaks out "Now you are ready to be a disciple of Christ"
You just have to feed that strong man within you.
It’s your temple.
To the intent that the living may know
that God reigneth in the kingdom of men
and gives it to whosoever he will.
(Our body is a piece of dust)
Even to the basest of men.
And then you can feed the Holy Ghost
but remember its tied up,
Confused in its relationship with you,
sick from all that poisonous bread you kept eating
and all those guards living in you, those hateful and unclean birds,
ensuring that holy ghost stays tied down
But god always has a way out.
To feed it.
But watch out.
Cause he’s not just taking your religoius questions anymore,
but now you ask your pastor about political stuff too.
And then he comes to live with you as your husband
and is nice at first till he sees what you eat
and then starts ordering for you at dinner
and at the grocery store
you ask your pastor there as well.
So be careful cause he might forbid you to even look or listen to anything that might possibly question his authority and divinity and punish you properly for your own good.
So we speak in parables :)
And there is one bible parable that the Pharisees perceived Jesus was talking about them and see what they did next if you can.
(They sought to lay hands on him but they feared the multitude.. Parable involved the heir, the king sent his son thinking they would revere him, but instead slew him and took the inheritance)
Jesus why you talk in parables you silly guy !
Meaning all things are pure to the pure
but to the defiled all things are defiled.
Blind leading the blind by misinterpreting things.
What options are there.
Don’t worry.
You’re on the flattery vanity side of the coin.
The other side will clear out other risks and make room so you important ones can have more space to live and stuff.
We the right hand dont need to know what the left hand does.
Break those doors down.
You make them your true new master.
And you find out they don’t take questions.
They just give commands
and they make rules
and you follow them without question
or get punished.
How far will you go until you decide to rebel against your master?
Okay you finally called on the real god that made heaven earth and sea.
“Okay where are you?”
“Whats the situation,
how much money do you have how much free time etc etc.”
What are you allowed to look at
what can you eat etc etc..
can you still watch cartoons
is that still an option of free will?
Okay God will use the foolish things of the world to help you.
It will help knowledge go down easier and not let paranoia swell up
and make the guards in your kingdom get overly paranoid that you are calling on a god that takes pleasure in the wicked being destroyed.
They might be your master but they have a master too
who watches them watch you.
Okay you can watch cartoons
but you find it is hard to do
a lot of thoughts unlike when you were a child
what am I doing?
what is this?
Bla bla bla!
I need to work I have no time for this.
Bla bla
First seek the kingdom. Holy ghost doing what it does, reminding you of what Jesus said.
Same thing as you seek
so many thoughts
what am I doing
I’m hungry
its finished
I am saved
what is this
let me get a professional theologian.
Its finished turn on political stuff.
Oh wow breaking news check it out.
Yes master
What is this are you praying?
Don’t you feel stupid
what are you asking in your head for God to help you in Cheese its name?
Go to the store
and get cheese its now.
Do it now Kelly!
C;mon get up now
don’t wait a second!
Food is important work
get cheese its
Okay these fools need some things to do give them a good panic.
Go pay bills.
oh look, you're Missing money
go call the credit card company.
Yell at those thieving thieves.
apologize for the misunderstanding
You got no time for these foolish cartoons.
Turn that off.
Prayer Is stupid.
Jesus what the heck is going on I’m so stressed.
lets check out the tv preacher dudes
how's corona virus looking.
Whats in the news.
Okay taken care of that annoying thing.
Etc etc etc.
things are getting better.
Holy ghost is hungry
man live not on bread alone.
Oh no my church forbids to listen to any one but my pastor.
My church forbids coffee.
So God can help you with a way out
but unless its sincere and people steadfast on wanting to do things by love
all have different bonds.
Different locks but the same principal
of finding the right combination
so we can live peaceable godly lives.
And the more mistakes we make individually
the more it will tighten our bonds.
Meaning someone on the other side of the world
acting unjustly threatens your justice here
and your locks get tighter
and you have to reason with God
if its his punishment on you
or is it getting punished for someone else’s mistake who is not sincerely following God?
So you can be at peace with your own concious and false accusers.
Are they seriously considering enforcing the serving size as punishable by law?
are my eating habits a threat to myself and thus I need their intervention?
“Okay this isnt happening because I masturbated.”
You whore.
Gods wrath upon you.
Repent or else.
Never touch your own boobs ever again with exception to when you shower.
Never touch body like that.
Its that alcohol that makes you a whore!
You start touching your vagina! Repent heathens!
(The joker playing the pastor loves his job in your kingdom)
weird what is this Hosea 4:14,
I will not punish your daughters or wife for whoredoms
he who does not understand shall fall”
Ask your pastor or ask the Holy Ghost?
Your bonds tighten
that pastor joker is there full time to preach when you think to touch your body.
Rebuke him with scripture yes or no?
Yes. He fights back
he says witchcraft is as rebellion!
Hosea 4:14 was back in biblic days of bla bla bla bla bla all stuff you don’t know.
Put up the shield of faith cause you know there’s just something so wrong with how he’s treating you and it might not be his fault so just block all his fiery farts fireing out of his mouth.
We fight spirits and spirits fight spirits.
Turn the other cheek.
Your blood is running.
Heated battle with pastor joker.
You are temporarily immune and can pray to god for help in Jesus name
without laughing about cheese
or hearing the people in your kingdom
scoffing or questioning your prayer.
Holy ghost helped you say stuff.
Cell mate later says “that was good”.
You kicked his but wow.
Lead us in prayer of cheese us's name kelly!.
“Do you fight another battle now or later”
Everyday to the perfect day.
Oh no a sabotage!
That fellow Christian who you thought was a true yokefellow.
He is using his liberty
as a cloak for maliciousness
in order to blow up
a principality bomb
that takes away everyone’s freedom of speech
Quick do a sermon
and tell others to beware
of such false Christians
as written in book of Peter
who use their liberty as cloak
of maliciousness
And separate yourself
from them
so you don’t suffer of their plagues.
Do it now kelly!!!
Sabatuer has been diarmed.
Nice job Commando.
You’re really progressing nicely.
Let’s go get a nice snack to reward ourselves.
Have more snacks or not?
Ask the pastor?
Read scripture?
Ah just go for it
you deserve it
and its just gonna go to waste
that’s a sin!
Yeah get seconds.
That was great.
Hey look Kelly
there’s no room left in the fridges
do you want to finish up these cakes
or are we just going to throw them away?
No man can serve two masters,
which is it gonna be?
Oh no.
Don’t say that!
You hate all these choices?
You hate all this freedom
and all you can eat
and everything,
don’t say that!
Say you don’t mean it.
You liked it better
in jail
in the hospital
at the nursing home
where they gave you food at structured portions
and barred your body
from the fridge
when you got hungry for a snack?
It was good tough love?
You want to put that on everyone in the world so they never have to suffer any over eating problems like you did?
What are you saying?
I’m saying until then I’m gonna eat eat eat up baby yeah.
Okay that was yesterday’s battle.
When in weakness and pain
it’s more private and you don’t care
what this or that think
s and its like
creator of earth,
creator of sea,
creator of heaven,
creator of fountains of water,
God that makes those fruits
not the false god
not the
fake Christ
(I am helping you!)
I mean
Jesus name
I pray
Thursday, November 18, 2021
The Holy Ghost is the Strong man of our temple. Feed him
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