Friday, March 27, 2020

Are Victims of Rape "Joined" with their rapist as one in Spirit?

Are Victims of Rape "Joined" with their rapist as one in Spirit?

1 CORINTHIANS 6:16 What?  Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?  For two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

Okay Holy Ghost, God Creator help me please:    I think what the inspiration to write here was regarding Victims of Rape and that your sin will find you out.  So victims of rape, are essentially “joined” to their rapists and so this might be why sometimes there are such dark like mean spirits associated with many of these beautiful women you like to look at, because Rapists typically like to rape beautiful things; but its no fault of their own.. Now the next verse about he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.  So these rapists lose their grip when their victims go to be joined to God, and I guess you can say they don’t like it, because “Do not my words doeth good to those whom walk uprightly?”  And rape is not walking uprightly and they know the spirit of God is so much powerful, smarter, wiser, and better. 
So this is like a possible divine inspiration that you might at one point be moved by something good, depending how people use their free will going forward, hopefully redeeming the time...because the days are evil or something like that...which should give a lot of faith to anyone thats been Raped and Blasphemed, as I perceive many have been raped like in a “God’s will” or “Name of God” thus blaspheming God and making many of these victims grossed at the thought of searching for God....and they can know the heart is desperatley wicked, don’t listen to it, and that they very possibly can imagine are being vexed like by their rapist's spirit and going to God being joined to the Lord is where the true salvation comes, and healing, and strength, and laughter, and love, and good!  And that they should know how that spirit from their rapist that force joined with them might try to push them away from seeking God with gladness of heart and high hopes and good faith and a true intent of wanting to believe!
So REMEMBER now thy Creator, in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not....
And Remember the Creator said our hearts are deceitful above all else, and that without Faith it is impossible to please have your Faith carry your heart to God so it can be made beautiful and true :) God is love!

Bible: Song of Solomon 5:7 7The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. 8I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.

Bible: Lamentations 2:13 “What thing shall I take to witness for thee? what thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?”


Update 03-27-2020
She 4 the right He this time!  Emma Watson said at her speech at the UN "this is about freedom", and I'd have her know 2 Corinthians 3.17 says that where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, and that she saw how men are also imprisoned by Gender-Stereotypes of what consititutes of being a "man".  And if men didn't have to be so aggressive, then women wouldn't have to be submissive, and that if things changed for men then things would change for women as a natural consequence, and so maybe that's why she said she wanted to galvanize as many men and boys as possible.  So I think based on scripture, women and girls should know God's flock are men, and the head of every man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God.. Through bible case law, we see that God is close to the contrite and broken-hearted, we see that he was pleased with King Josiah of Judah and characterized him as being "Tender-Hearted"  God tells man to Love Mercy...God also tells us the men he didn't choose, the high-minded, the proud, the stiff necked, the hard hearted, the violent.  We learn Jesus rebuked two of his disciples when asking to send fire down from heaven, and told them they knew not what manner of spirit they are of, for the son of man is come to save not to destroy.  Jesus from Judah is from Mount Gerizim we learn in the book of Deuteronomy, which is to bless the people.  Jesus wants to gather Jerusalem like a Mother Hen under her wings!  Momma  Jesus!  And remember Jesus said it is the Father that speaks through me, and it is the Father that does the miracles, and if Two are One, it might make sense theres a mother....Wisdom is justified of her children :)

He 4 She :)

1 Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?
2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.
3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.
4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

 22The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. 23I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. 24When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. 25Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: 
26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.
27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

PROVERBS 3:19 The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.

Luke 7:35

35 But wisdom is justified of all her children.

LUKE 23:25  And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired; but he delivered Jesus to their will.

28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

Isaiah 40

40 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins.

James 5:16

16 ....and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Thought to explore later (holy ghost help please) 
Head of woman is man
Head of man is christ
Head of christ is God

when man connected to Anti-Christ rapes woman, she is connected to False God
when man is connected to Christ, she is connected to God

So.. if a woman connected to God through a man connected to Christ is RAPED, does this mean she is disconnected from God and connected to False God?

Then, can a man who is connected to God, through Spirit, connect to woman in order to disconnect her from False God and bring her to True God?

Is this why God was so upset of Aholibah and Aholah, who in their youth had whoredoms poured upon them in their viriginity, had to eventually Disconnect, or Alienate the connection?

The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord.

 Then said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.

d the Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them. 18So she discovered her whoredoms, and discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Asking God for the Marijuana Miracle

September 13th 2019 Friday Around 4:30 A.M.
Dear God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Please help me ask you right!
Inspired by the Asa foot problem case law.  As I remember the story, Asa had a foot problem and he consulted all the doctors and healers, and none were able to heal him.  And in all his askings for doctors and healers, he never once went to ask the Creator of the feet for help.  King Asa then proceeded to die, and the point to be taken was that he should have tried to have the Faith to ask God for help!
This combines with when Moses is talking to God about going to speak to Pharaoh for the first time.  Moses was hesitant to do so because he was not of an eloquent speech, but of a slow tongue.  God became upset that Moses didn't have faith in him still even after stating that it is the same one and only God that made the mouth of man and will be with Moses's mouth, to please have faith in God moses!.    But alas, the case law teaches us that Moses still didn't believe he was good enough and God became angry and did a plan B and used Aaron his brother to be the speaker.
Thus is we are to learn from these mistakes as ensamples, and to make good of them, we must see that these are case laws of a lack of FAITH. 
Paul in Hebrews tells us that It is impossible to please God without faith!!  And this is consistent in the anger God showcased to Moses and the point being made with Asa in that God let him die because he didn't have the faith to think to ask God!

Gideon was a lowly man when God found him, and he asked God for 2 signs to help him know it was God, and God granted those signs of the sweater being left outside 2 nights, the first night to have the sweater/shirt be wet and the ground dry, and the other night to have the sweater/shirt be dry but the ground wet!   God granted this request and I think it was due to God being pleased for Gideon having the faith to ask.

The woman that had a daughter who was severley vexed with the Devil, went to Jesus who explained to her it is not meet, or it is not good or right to give the childrens bread unto the dogs!  For he is come for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  The woman was not deterred, her faith was stronger than Peter's was when the boisterous wind blew, and she took another step of that proverbial water walk and talk with Jesus, and said True, Lord, but even the dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from the masters table!"  and Jesus was moved to compassion, he liked the optimism, he loved the faith!   And he said something like Oh Woman, be it even as thou wilt, thy faith hath saved thee.  And her daughter was made whole that very hour. 

So Faith without works being dead alone; means that if I believe that God would put some marijuana in a bag for me that would be totally untraceable to try and avoid what I perceived was the reason to understand why God wouldnt give me a bottle of win as the complications it might incur, but that this would be easily untraceable and if understood, I would not even proclaim this as a possible sign from God until at a later given time if God so made it seem I should!
For there were times in the bible where Jesus healed individuals and asked them to tell no man what he had done for them!
So I'm asking God, I'm trying to put some works to my faith so I can make my Faith come to life; that I believe you can make water come out of a rock, you can turn water into REALLY GOOD WINE, you can heal the centurions son just by saying the word and not even having to go to his house, and I believe you can have me go put my hand in my bad, or in my bed, or in the bathroom droor this very hour and find some marijuana that I will promise to ask you to help me to use it so well that we will save some souls that would have otherwise not have been.  That I will be so lifted up spiritually, and feel so good, and full of love, and faith, that I will be driven to try my best ability to express unto you God how grateful I am and how much more I want you to achieve your goals, and your pleasures, which include not taking any pleasure that the wicked should perish, but that instead should repent and be converted and ye shall then heal them. 
So I think my faith has grown, because I could have tried asking you think times past and I did not; and my legacy for my own personal souls journey, might have been sitting somewhere someday wondering if I was like Asa and the foot problem who never had the faith to ask God....I would be the Peasant boy with a mental problem that didn't think to ask God for the medicine! 
I know I tried asking for the water to wine seriously twice, and I felt it was explained why not;  but I think this one is much more easily untraceable and easily mistaken by those that you would not want to get to experience such a sign of incur, for which is what I thought the understanding over why I didn't get the water to wine..that it wasn't that you don't see me as worthy of it, but that you didn't want a sign such as that for others that may be seeing. 

But I suppose also God that theres also a very great chance that I am simply unworthy yet; and so if so, then please God help me get on the path of becoming worthy enough to have you do such a sort of miracle!  but if I am not worthy of that as well, then I go back to my basic prayer of mercy to not suffer, to be worthy to escape all these things, to learn through ah ha moments and laughter and that I am sorry for thinking of myself as worthy of getting such a miracle.  For that could be a sin of high-minded ness which would be displeasing unto you I think  .

And you ask man to walk with the LORD thy God humbly and to love mercy....
 Seriously;  I tried asking the government people using that Bill Maher video;  I would have tried other methods but I dont even have a dollar to my name right now...
I believe this, if done, and God, you would help me use it for your good purposes! could end up being one of the coolest signs ever!  and you can be like how you said your name is Jealous, you can be like my name is Cool, there is no cooler God, no not one.  That would go up in history as one of the coolest miracles ever that would be an ah ha and laughter moment for all the generations ever to come.   If I know my generations right at all, they also when you would feel itworthy to share this sign, would also see it as one of the coolest possible miracles God did and that would make it so much easier to undo the blasphemy and open up the hearts to love you and seek you while you may be found, before that day! 
I suppose I could see this from like a Grandfather's perspective that may not entirely understand what his grandkids generation are able to hearken to, or what is cool or respective while maintaining God's will, but that it truly would be amazing.  And you would get so many people trying to follow you with all their heart for a chance to have a somewhat similar like miracle!  and you would be so cool, and people like that you are so loving and so fearful and powerful, but its like that what everyone else is doing, their bosses, their parents, their teachers, all of them are either expressing their power or mercy, and we in the middle, the basically powerless, are sort of full to our necks with having to show respect to authorities because of how Powerful they are over us and being nice as possible in hopes to move them to feel whats needed to get their love or mercy, that "a cool sign" is exactly what would be the best possible like thing to send the most effective heart rending, neck softening, back turning back to God possible that I can see.  That if God would do something cool like that, we owe God something back, whatever he wants, free will, with many pleasure, and the glory goes unto God as being known as cool as well as the other things.  Bullies are not cool, oppressors are not cool, spoilers are not cool, crucifying Jesus was not cool....rainbows are are cool....beautiful landscapes are cool....brothers getting along walking in truth seeking the kingdom of their maker is cool....turning water into Good wine is really cool..and jesus said the time comes when people will be a part of greater miracles than what he was a part of during his time that we can read about in the books, and he did not specify what they were, but I think this would be so cool.  
Its great to heal the blind, its cool in another way, its great to make water come out of a rock for thirsty people, its pretty cool, and its scary and powerful and good to be saved out of the house of bondage and show the Bully that there is a God that steps in when they went too far.  But to give someone that has been trying very hard to follow with all his heart with all his soul and with all his might for at least the past so many years, and trying to share the scripture pictures based on the faith that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge and where there is no vision the people perish, that it would be so so cool to be the one that grants this peculiar request to ask God for some marijuana to help serve and seek and gather and do good towards God!  and Even though I thought the birthday was awesome God, and I loved how I was able to believe you were helping my words flow and scripture pictures get made, and write that card for my mom at an instant when I had a clear mind in the midst of the bad feelings I was experiencing, but then to also grant me some marijauana would absolutley be what I would think, is the coolest miracle...cause its one of those miracles that people dream of wondering if they were to try seeking this God and his righteousness with all their heart mind soul and might, would they then earn the chance to get something cool too?  Like, we dont have to be in a life threatening state, or in a sick state, or in a bondage state to get a miracle, but we can simply get a nice reward treat like thing that a dog might get for sojourning with the LORD for so long a time honestly? 
And then if you reap what you sow, God, I promise, If you help me, my passion to want to do something so great towards helping you reach your goal will be so great, I just know I'lll be able to offer you more to use and you will use it to achieve something extra amazing and really cool by all your standards!
Is God cool?  He is a man of war, he is a loving God..a longsuffering, patient God...forgiving God...the most merciful...but theres not many instances that causes anyone to say he is a "Cool" doesnt seem to get thought of when describing in adjectives about what people see God as..
but I do think you are cool God... I think the sexual feelings are cool..I think watermelons are cool, I think the colors of the rainbow and the flowers of the fields are cool....I thinkthere are so many cool things about you, but they are always overshrouded with emergency like situations, and thus the coolness of it gets sort of buried.  Its cool to be there when Hagar and Ishmaiel are crying and its cool to take Lot away from a city about to be blown up, and its cool to forgive sins, and love mercy....
but to turn water to wine at the wedding and its the father that doeth the works, that is cool.  Chopping the heads and making them face the sun, showcases yuor strength in a cool way I suppose....but to grant this belated birthday-request of some marijauan would in my opinion,if trying to see it from an outside view reading the bible, I would think thats the coolest and it would motivate me so much to want to know what I have to do to get to that point where God would do something like that for me!

And if not I will have faith that you are more cool to not grant it, or have a good reason, I would just want to know what I would have to do to be worthy of getting such a miracle God! Cause it really helps me have a good time serving you and doing your will!
Anything, maybe like how I believed I had to make the pamphlet, and hand out papers to churches, and hand out pamphlets to so many people and write it up how to get to heaven and go to staples and get it folded and printed in order to be good enough to win the football picks at Vegas, and I didn't win but that was maybe cause you had a change in plans or I must have did something wrong I wasnt aware of; but I tried my best I think, to see that it was for good purposes that I didn't win, even though I thought I did all the things that you may have asked me to do, or it could have been another spirit I dont know..
but I just really felt like I felt your love yesterday God, in helping me talk and make scriptures, and be nice to me cause it was my birthday that made me feel that you are noticing me and I believe every scripture picture we make is a sort of sign that you are helping me, and I dont want to overlook that, but....this would be really amazing to me...and if Im not worthy...please help me be guided to know what I must do to be guiding into knowing what I have to do to end up being worthy to get such a miracle, cause as things look now it will be a while until I get any money to my name, and get an opportunity to get some marijauna..  and Im truly sorry if I am in any way out of line for even asking this or thinking of it and not understanding you well enough yet, and so Ill just try to hope that if I keep seeking you that Ill come to realize that I suppose...but when I started seeking you I had a lot more resources, credit cards, friends, money, and so it was easier for me to have a good time serving you!  The severity of not having a good time serving you is scary thats why I think I am asking alright because it is according to your will and I think you are enough of a judge to see that theres more good than bad when I smoke marijuana serving you in the past, and that I would be worthy for having the faith to ask you!  And I am being a part of making GOOD on those case laws and precepts of the ensamples of guys like the King Asa,and like Caleb and Joshua said, if it pleases the LORD, he will help us take that Good land from the Giants!
Like the King in the story of Jonah, had the faith to think who can tell if God will turn and repent and take mercy on  Nineveh so the king proclaimed the fast for 40 days.

Blessings on the head of him that selleth the corn!  and the people shall curse him that selleth it not!  something like that...      '

Also I think to ask right I am to, according to the book of John, Ask for this in the name of Jesus in order so that the Father can be glorified through the son. This is the only 1 of the 4 gospels that states this being the proper way to ask, which is odd to me considering it can make or break if someone gets what they ask for, Id think it would be one of those thats in all 4 of the gospels, but maybe its this way for a reason!.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Harlots to heaven before Priests?

February 2nd of 2020  Early Morning
Jesus said in,
  Matthew 21:31   ...Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.

  Matthew 21:32   For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.

Thoughts to God;

I love Love;  

I love the feelings I feel from it; the thoughts of someone being yours; the thoughts of someone wanting you in the same strange unexplainable ways of good you want them;  the motivation and the fun thats involved.
My current situation God; I think you're fast to try and tell me;  Victor, this world is a glittery show that is ready to blow;  people have for the most part made up their choices; they are like bricks set in a wall wating for the mortar to dry to seal the deal.
But to go on...

I understand this;             but I love love;       I know!!!!

Is it wrong to say I get raped?  No;   you are being moved in your sexual area against your will. 
But rememer to think about the "Harlots";  what that life might be like;  how un-loved they feel;  how hard to have faith they have;   how disgusting and you know what might pass through their minds when one talks about the rapture, especially including they have no knowledge of the bible?   Why the fuck would God want to take me? 
They need to be preached to; they need to hear Jesus said the Harlots enter heaven before some of those chief priests;  they need to hear the book of Hosea;  they need to know the love of God;  they need to be given things that feed their faith;   they need to see a somewhat respected person dare to care about them, and then to showcase how he wants to "be served by them" so they can make the difference between a man of god and a man without. 
    Rahab the Harlot was the only family taken from Jericho;  What do you expect she did on  a daily basis?   Oral sex?  how many times a day?
Victor;   We either believe in this book or we don't.      Few there be that are saved;   the special mercy you talk about from the Quran...its like the special mercy a man's wife may receive; ..its a very limited thing; 
The truth may be that on a very intricate scale people make their choices and those choices add up;  

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Above ALL, The Shield of Faith :)

Was God trying to give me a larger message, and first pieced it together with some scripture pictures....cause the way it happened was weird,  I didn't think those would be the combination I would use...
But while making one of the pictures, that states regarding the Armor of God... it says the most important piece "Above  all"   take the shield of faith..
Then.. while making this listening to Benny Hinns sermon on Psalm 91... it says "his truth shall be thy shield"...
So... the Shield of Faith is made from God's Truth..... which we know according to bible that NO MAN can know the things of God and this is why God sends the holy spirit to Give Man the knowledge of the things of God.... which as it also states is foolish to the natural man... like if I were to say I used my eye while in the spiritual journey to light a fire and make it more intense..this would seem like foolishness or lies.. but the bible says the Eye is the light of the body..and a fire is a light. so it actually makes sense...but many times when reading it it seems foolish like.... or the word became flesh....

So.. to get this Shield of Faith we need to know God's truth which is recorded in the when someone might say its impossible we can't possibly overcome some difficulty, you can block that using God's Truth, the shield of Faith by stating you faith and belief in the things you read in the bible or quran or that you believe were inspired by God, with whom nothing is impossible...and without Faith the bible says, it is impossible to please Faith, like Joshua and Caleb expressed optimism in God's ability if he so wants to to give them the land of might be what motivates or moves God to want to help you with things not possible without God's willing inclusion...

Then the third piece from yesterday, book of James, "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."
And patience was sort of like the lesson I believed God was trying to express to me cause of how during the week I may at times doubt what Im doing with my time, but then scripture reminds me of things to give me faith, and also to express the importance of Patience...
So.. the tring of your Faith worketh patience.... this means, its like testing out your shield.... like having someone strike a sword while you hold it to see how steady it feels... or like putting a helmet on your head and then knocking on it to ensure yourself you didn't feel any pain...
So that God might be "trying" our faith...just like he did to the children of Israel in the wilderness where it says something like " to prove them, to see if they will follow me"...
And so they were lacking patience, they constantly wanted to go back to Egypt...
So to combine this with the other one on patience in the book of James where it states the husbandmen patiently waits for the precious fruit of the earth..... understanding that a watermelon, to enjoy it well, requires a patience, but its easier to have patience waiting for it to grow because you can see it visibly, whereas God is asking us to have a stronger faith to believe in the unseen things...and that our faith will be work our ability to be patient...patient with optimism and good hope waiting for good things..
Further.... I am reminded possibly by the holy ghost right now, about the parable of the sower that sowed seeds... and some of the seeds that sprung up, when they would get tried, when their faith is tried, they became offended because of the word, and they did not grow further....and so if they had more of Gods truth, they could help themselves from being offended and can stand strong and keep growing towards God..if they know the trying of their faith is a way to work a body builder might work his chest doing bench presses to work his chest muscles... so God tries our faith to work our patience.... like trying to make us ready for eternal life, for immortality, for the right to eat at the tree of life... living forever.... there will be times of patience necessary I waiting for good fruits to grow....
the 4th one was regarding those that desire the day of the Lord.. woe unto them..because its darkness and not light... and so we should have patience that although there are many woes in this world, maybe God sees things we dont that people are in their hearts trying to repent, and that we have to be careful to remember Jonah and to not be upset as Jonah was that Nineveh was spared because he did such a well job at preaching the king was moved with faith and said who can tell if God will spare us when he called the fast.... thus, we should remember God takes NO PLEASURE in the wicked being destroyed, but rather prefers they would repent.. God was GREATLY GRIEVED at the heart when he had to bring the flood in Noahs time...
and the 5th one from yesterday was regarding Naphtali, who is a hind let loose, and who giveth goodly words  IN THE LAST DAYS.... So maybe we should look for Naphtali as sort of a Joshua or Caleb that even brought Moses from off his knees and face when hearing the report from the other heads that scoped out the land of Giants.... because in the last days it might be easy to lose faith in people and in God and in the plans of God... but theres one of the 12 boys of Israel that is said in the last days to give goodly words, and that is likely God-Inspired cause if he is a hind let loose..he might be like a Joseph who had signs given him, being let loose from the well he was thrown in, being let loose from the Prison he was wrongfully placed within... his faith in the impossible would likely help him speak words of faith and truth with truth from what he personally experienced with his eyes his ears and his mind and feelings...
Plus; the 144,000 sealed of the 12 tribes of Israel... why is nobody from Dan or Ephraim included?  Is Ephraim sort of forced to taste part of what his Father Joseph went through?... like being unincluded...and Dan, does it have anything to do with the last days where Dan is an adder by the way, biting the horses heels so his rider falls backwards?....
I dont know..but with what measure you use it will be measured to if I want God's help for people I love and care about, I should remember God cherished Israel, Abraham, and that seed like specifically above all the rest and thus they would likely hold a larger portion of Gods heart and feelings, even though he said be it far from me and anyone that honours me I will honour, theres still the point in that if you care about this family, it might be the way that God is more moved to help you with your own individual family and cared for ones..
Thats why I think i was so inspired to say the best things you can do for the ones you love and care about is go search for the kingdom of God and his righteousness as Jesus told us to... because God has pretty much been trying to teach me of my inability to protect myself let alone another person or even a barbie doll (spiritual jouney lesson)... thus we should go to try and earn God's favour whom can protect and guide anyone truly...truly protect..and thats I think a "watermelon" that took time to grow..the understanding for why Does Jesus tells us that if we love our family more than him we are not worthy?...or like how he told that man theres no time to bury his father, come now, sell all your things and follow Jesus....
These seem foolish because we cherish family and cared ones most of all...and we believe its Gods will we fight and protect for to leave them in order to help them maybe we can think of like soldiers over-seas...but in this case the Armor and Training we need is for our Spirit...we have a shield of Faith... an invisible shield...that is made of God's truth... and part of that truth tells us it is foolishness to the natural man...but that should help you stick with learning about it....and then it also says without signs and wonders ye will not then if you stick with it long enough then maybe a sign like I got using my eye to light the fire and put it out and light it again will happen...or like for Gideon...the sign of the fleece outside...then your faith can be more deeply rooted and strengthend... for the purposes of...doing God's will, because the book says we were created for him by him..not the other way around...and so we are either gathering with him or we are scattering abroad and making it more difficult for God to gather...making ourselves against God and thus God will be patient with us maybe even to the last point like Pharaoh until the waters crashed on..
So any lingering doubts about doing Gods will... is truly silly when you put on the whole armour, the whole of Gods words...cause you see we as society use the examples in real life to make judgements on God's words, and the fact is many preachers and pastors and rabbis are sinners as well as pastors preachers and rabbis..and some of those sins are in the form of their work..... but when you go through the book and see, where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty...Gods will is for us to be free, and thats worth fighting for, to have the freedoms.....and God gives us instructions that are good for us...he doesnt always tell us why, but he tells us to seek for understanding with all thy getting...
Why isnt rape good?  I want to be free someone might say.... but the one getting raped doesnt want to be raped..what about their freedom of wanting to live in a world where they get to choose to not be raped..and live in a society that takes precautions freely in order to make those individuals feel safe from experiencing something they dont want to experience, like rape...
So..Rape is man's way not God's way...  why did God let it?... thats where Im going to stop for now...
Thank you God, creator, holy spirit, it was fun writing this!

Saturday March 14th 2020, feeling good after a night of Natural Arousals
(Possibly a proof to myself why its not good for man to be alone)

1 Update that seems to fit the end of this writing 03-19-2020