Thursday, March 19, 2020

Above ALL, The Shield of Faith :)

Was God trying to give me a larger message, and first pieced it together with some scripture pictures....cause the way it happened was weird,  I didn't think those would be the combination I would use...
But while making one of the pictures, that states regarding the Armor of God... it says the most important piece "Above  all"   take the shield of faith..
Then.. while making this listening to Benny Hinns sermon on Psalm 91... it says "his truth shall be thy shield"...
So... the Shield of Faith is made from God's Truth..... which we know according to bible that NO MAN can know the things of God and this is why God sends the holy spirit to Give Man the knowledge of the things of God.... which as it also states is foolish to the natural man... like if I were to say I used my eye while in the spiritual journey to light a fire and make it more intense..this would seem like foolishness or lies.. but the bible says the Eye is the light of the body..and a fire is a light. so it actually makes sense...but many times when reading it it seems foolish like.... or the word became flesh....

So.. to get this Shield of Faith we need to know God's truth which is recorded in the when someone might say its impossible we can't possibly overcome some difficulty, you can block that using God's Truth, the shield of Faith by stating you faith and belief in the things you read in the bible or quran or that you believe were inspired by God, with whom nothing is impossible...and without Faith the bible says, it is impossible to please Faith, like Joshua and Caleb expressed optimism in God's ability if he so wants to to give them the land of might be what motivates or moves God to want to help you with things not possible without God's willing inclusion...

Then the third piece from yesterday, book of James, "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."
And patience was sort of like the lesson I believed God was trying to express to me cause of how during the week I may at times doubt what Im doing with my time, but then scripture reminds me of things to give me faith, and also to express the importance of Patience...
So.. the tring of your Faith worketh patience.... this means, its like testing out your shield.... like having someone strike a sword while you hold it to see how steady it feels... or like putting a helmet on your head and then knocking on it to ensure yourself you didn't feel any pain...
So that God might be "trying" our faith...just like he did to the children of Israel in the wilderness where it says something like " to prove them, to see if they will follow me"...
And so they were lacking patience, they constantly wanted to go back to Egypt...
So to combine this with the other one on patience in the book of James where it states the husbandmen patiently waits for the precious fruit of the earth..... understanding that a watermelon, to enjoy it well, requires a patience, but its easier to have patience waiting for it to grow because you can see it visibly, whereas God is asking us to have a stronger faith to believe in the unseen things...and that our faith will be work our ability to be patient...patient with optimism and good hope waiting for good things..
Further.... I am reminded possibly by the holy ghost right now, about the parable of the sower that sowed seeds... and some of the seeds that sprung up, when they would get tried, when their faith is tried, they became offended because of the word, and they did not grow further....and so if they had more of Gods truth, they could help themselves from being offended and can stand strong and keep growing towards God..if they know the trying of their faith is a way to work a body builder might work his chest doing bench presses to work his chest muscles... so God tries our faith to work our patience.... like trying to make us ready for eternal life, for immortality, for the right to eat at the tree of life... living forever.... there will be times of patience necessary I waiting for good fruits to grow....
the 4th one was regarding those that desire the day of the Lord.. woe unto them..because its darkness and not light... and so we should have patience that although there are many woes in this world, maybe God sees things we dont that people are in their hearts trying to repent, and that we have to be careful to remember Jonah and to not be upset as Jonah was that Nineveh was spared because he did such a well job at preaching the king was moved with faith and said who can tell if God will spare us when he called the fast.... thus, we should remember God takes NO PLEASURE in the wicked being destroyed, but rather prefers they would repent.. God was GREATLY GRIEVED at the heart when he had to bring the flood in Noahs time...
and the 5th one from yesterday was regarding Naphtali, who is a hind let loose, and who giveth goodly words  IN THE LAST DAYS.... So maybe we should look for Naphtali as sort of a Joshua or Caleb that even brought Moses from off his knees and face when hearing the report from the other heads that scoped out the land of Giants.... because in the last days it might be easy to lose faith in people and in God and in the plans of God... but theres one of the 12 boys of Israel that is said in the last days to give goodly words, and that is likely God-Inspired cause if he is a hind let loose..he might be like a Joseph who had signs given him, being let loose from the well he was thrown in, being let loose from the Prison he was wrongfully placed within... his faith in the impossible would likely help him speak words of faith and truth with truth from what he personally experienced with his eyes his ears and his mind and feelings...
Plus; the 144,000 sealed of the 12 tribes of Israel... why is nobody from Dan or Ephraim included?  Is Ephraim sort of forced to taste part of what his Father Joseph went through?... like being unincluded...and Dan, does it have anything to do with the last days where Dan is an adder by the way, biting the horses heels so his rider falls backwards?....
I dont know..but with what measure you use it will be measured to if I want God's help for people I love and care about, I should remember God cherished Israel, Abraham, and that seed like specifically above all the rest and thus they would likely hold a larger portion of Gods heart and feelings, even though he said be it far from me and anyone that honours me I will honour, theres still the point in that if you care about this family, it might be the way that God is more moved to help you with your own individual family and cared for ones..
Thats why I think i was so inspired to say the best things you can do for the ones you love and care about is go search for the kingdom of God and his righteousness as Jesus told us to... because God has pretty much been trying to teach me of my inability to protect myself let alone another person or even a barbie doll (spiritual jouney lesson)... thus we should go to try and earn God's favour whom can protect and guide anyone truly...truly protect..and thats I think a "watermelon" that took time to grow..the understanding for why Does Jesus tells us that if we love our family more than him we are not worthy?...or like how he told that man theres no time to bury his father, come now, sell all your things and follow Jesus....
These seem foolish because we cherish family and cared ones most of all...and we believe its Gods will we fight and protect for to leave them in order to help them maybe we can think of like soldiers over-seas...but in this case the Armor and Training we need is for our Spirit...we have a shield of Faith... an invisible shield...that is made of God's truth... and part of that truth tells us it is foolishness to the natural man...but that should help you stick with learning about it....and then it also says without signs and wonders ye will not then if you stick with it long enough then maybe a sign like I got using my eye to light the fire and put it out and light it again will happen...or like for Gideon...the sign of the fleece outside...then your faith can be more deeply rooted and strengthend... for the purposes of...doing God's will, because the book says we were created for him by him..not the other way around...and so we are either gathering with him or we are scattering abroad and making it more difficult for God to gather...making ourselves against God and thus God will be patient with us maybe even to the last point like Pharaoh until the waters crashed on..
So any lingering doubts about doing Gods will... is truly silly when you put on the whole armour, the whole of Gods words...cause you see we as society use the examples in real life to make judgements on God's words, and the fact is many preachers and pastors and rabbis are sinners as well as pastors preachers and rabbis..and some of those sins are in the form of their work..... but when you go through the book and see, where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty...Gods will is for us to be free, and thats worth fighting for, to have the freedoms.....and God gives us instructions that are good for us...he doesnt always tell us why, but he tells us to seek for understanding with all thy getting...
Why isnt rape good?  I want to be free someone might say.... but the one getting raped doesnt want to be raped..what about their freedom of wanting to live in a world where they get to choose to not be raped..and live in a society that takes precautions freely in order to make those individuals feel safe from experiencing something they dont want to experience, like rape...
So..Rape is man's way not God's way...  why did God let it?... thats where Im going to stop for now...
Thank you God, creator, holy spirit, it was fun writing this!

Saturday March 14th 2020, feeling good after a night of Natural Arousals
(Possibly a proof to myself why its not good for man to be alone)

1 Update that seems to fit the end of this writing 03-19-2020

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